BrentinCO: Thats great insight. And I agree that Democrats are losing the working class. And losing Latinos. But why? What issues turned them?
From where I stand, Dems losing working class people had to do with a failure to address intelligently: immigration issues, crime, and economic issues. No message other than there was no immigration issue, no crime issue or no economic issues. But clearly working class voters were feel they were valid issues.
Its not that Dems say there "was no immigration issue" its that they cannot counter the GOP's lies on the issue.
Since Democrats are beholden to the same billionaire class as the GOP, they cannot actually counteract the "OFFICIAL NARRATIVE" on immigration. Nor can they do anything to address the problems at their roots, which is also a failure in liberal ideology. The GOP can't either, but they can pretend they offer a surface level solution, and with billions of dollars in propaganda; they can gladly feed that message to the populace forever.
Wanna actually solve the immigration problem, grab a shovel, cause we got some holes to fill
Expanding on a bit:
When the economy takes a dive thanks to the huge tariffs against countries like Mexico and the deportations, I'll be here to say to all the people who voted for Trump thanks to the economy: "I told you so." 😊
And then 2026 should be a big blue wave.
D:1 | RP ( 5508.02 points)
| October 08, 2024 01:09pm |
Geopolitically, we're entering an era of de-globalization anyway for many reasons, including authoritarian rulers using globalization as a weapon.
What many of the de-globalization proponents aren't realizing is that it is absolutely going to mean both an increase in inflation and an increase in wars, not the opposite. For all its faults (and there are many) globalization did bring us an era of low inflation and relative peace.
Horrendous. My state abolished the death penalty well over a century ago after a horrifically botched hanging. It's time for the rest of the country to follow suit.
And just to think, Florida could have had Gwen Graham as governor
At some point, Trump's supporters are gonna get sick of him saying it's fraud every time something doesn't go his way. I don't know when that will be but it will happen eventually.
BEER:10271 | WSNJ ( 452.99 points)
| February 01, 2022 09:34pm |
I always find it crazy how isolationists end up being wrong 99% of the time.
She must go to Kyle Rittenhouse, and bear him a manly child.
That child will grow to be our rightful King.
In hindsight, it was incredibly important that Raffensperger won and not a Democrat
This was a disgrace by the Biden administration.
I:9775 | Natalie ( 108.71 points)
| July 19, 2021 08:20am |
Caitlyn for Governor
I feel like if a Democrat did whatever it is that Matt Gaertz is precisely being accused of having done (still not sure what that is), that the New York Times would choose to characterize it as something other than "sex trafficking".
If Matt Gaetz forgot to sign a credit card slip at a diner, the New York Times would accuse him of "working to bankrupt the hospitality sector".
BEER:10271 | WSNJ ( 452.99 points)
| March 09, 2021 09:56am |
A Nascar driver in the Senate. That would be cool lol
BEER:10271 | WSNJ ( 452.99 points)
| February 22, 2021 11:38am |
This bill is pure insanity
I'm going to kind of almost defend Cruz on this one. He should not be going on a family vacation to Cancun because of COVID. That said, however, they obviously planned the vacation before the polar vortex visited Texas. It looks bad to be vacationing while his constituents are suffering but there is damn little Cruz can do to help no matter where he is.
So glad I never voted for this imbecile.
A ceremony got interrupted for a few hours, while some demonstrators (most of whom were under the vague misimpression they were allowed to be there) sorta wandered aimlessly around the Capitol, generally remaining behind the velvet red ropes as they did so.
The guy who beat that one cop to death, should be executed, and I would pull the switch myself, if called upon to do so.
But this was no "insurrection".
I:9626 | Bojicat ( 912.46 points)
| December 27, 2020 01:13pm |
A drumroll presaging Prime Minister Pashinyan's departure has only grown louder since Armenia's perceived defeat in that last umpteenth Nagorno-Karabakh war begun on September 27, 2020.
Chomping at the bait offered by an enemy 3x stronger was a fool's gambit. A simple reading of Armenia's (astonishingly flavorful and delicate) tea leaves would have foretold to even the softest head a dreary outcome.
But everyone's blood was up - and it's still stirring. A head now has to roll.
The Armenian Apostolic Church, an astonishing 16 political parties, even elements of Pashinyan's own armed forces, now unite as one voice demanding Pashinyan's skin. So, sheepishly, Pashinyan gave a bit off his nose yesterday, suggesting new elections [Link]
If Pashinyan were to bother to take a glance again at those tea leaves, he'd see that resigning now would save he and his party humiliation at the polls later.
Transphobic Tulsi here we come
Heath Shuler is not the best either on policy or in actual relevancy.
R:7114 | Kyle ( 709.19 points)
| November 04, 2020 06:16pm |
Maryland Republican: Absolutely agree. After all the money Schumer and National Democrats threw at her and assuming this is her last term, I think we see much less moderation.
Totally disagree. She risked a primary challenge in 2014, in the midst of the tea party movement, and voted consistently in the center. Susan Collins is a centrist to her bones. She isn't going to become Kelly Loeffler now that she is in her last term.
You get a conservative either way so there's really no loss here
Joker:9757 | BrentinCO ( 7748.48 points)
| October 23, 2020 11:09am |
Pretty sure his comments last night about ending subsidies for the oil industry are going to hurt him down the stretch. This seems to be the one unforced error he made last night that is resonating.
How much and where it hurts him is yet to be seen.
Conservative twitter has latched on to them and media is openly opining the impact.
Although Democrats are dominating in mail voting, as expected, it seems like generally Republicans are voting early in-person in good numbers. There are a couple places where the GOP / Trump campaign should be worried, though. In North Carolina, the GOP is getting swamped by Democrats in mail and early voting. Second is Texas and especially Harris County. Texas has had an extra week of early voting, but according to the Election Project they are #1 in turnout so far relative to 2016 turnout. Low Democratic participation has been an important part of the GOP's dominance there, so anything that upsets the status quo is dangerous for the GOP.
RP: Yeah - don't put too much stock in early turnout numbers. Early turnout for Democrats was very good in 2016 as well.
It isn't so much how many people have voted that I look at but the percent who have returned their mail ballots between Democrats and Republicans. In every state with party registration, Democrats are returning their ballots at a higher rate. If Republicans don't catch up, we'll see alot of tight races swing toward Democrats.
Joker:9757 | BrentinCO ( 7748.48 points)
| October 07, 2020 09:14pm |
Great debate so far. We deserved this in the Presidential debate. Cant help but think a lot of Dems and Reps would like to see these two at the top of the ticket over who sits there now.