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  Lieberman, Joseph I. "Joe"
NameJoseph I. "Joe" Lieberman
Address36 Woodland Street
Hartford, Connecticut 06105, United States
Born February 24, 1942
Died March 27, 2024 (82 years)
Last ModifedJuan Croniqueur
Mar 27, 2024 06:46pm
Tags Caucasian - Jewish - Divorced - Married - Judaism - Straight -
InfoJoseph Isadore "Joe" Lieberman

Now in his third term representing Connecticut in the United States Senate, Joe Lieberman has earned a national reputation as a thoughtful, principled, and effective legislator.

He is perhaps best known as the Democratic candidate for Vice President in 2000. More than that, he is a national leader who works across party lines to find common ground, who speaks his conscience, and who gets things done for Connecticut and the country.

That reputation is based on a long and distinguished record. Senator Lieberman is one of Congress's most influential voices on security issues. He was the Senate's leading champion of legislation creating the Department of Homeland Security to better protect the nation from terrorist attacks. He has been at the forefront of efforts not only to increase our investment in defense, but to transform our armed forces to better meet the threats of the 21st Century. Senator Lieberman has been a strong and consistent advocate for using America's military might - most recently to disarm Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq - to defend America's interests and values when they are seriously endangered.

Here at home, Senator Lieberman believes in economic policies that spark business growth, encourage innovation, open the doors of opportunity for all, expand markets for American products, and keep the government's budget books in balance. He is also a champion for the ordinary investor and consumer, fighting to ensure that public and private watchdogs meet the highest standards of independence and integrity.

Senator Lieberman is a strong advocate for investing in our public schools, empowering parents, and challenging all students to meet higher academic standards. He seeks to give all Americans, regardless of income, the chance to go to college and develop the skills they need to succeed in our global information economy. He works to expand quality and affordable healthcare to all Americans and to safeguard Medicare and Social Security for future generations.

Senator Lieberman is a vocal advocate for campaign finance reform and has written extensively on the dignity and nobility of public service. He urges America to be true to its tradition of tolerance by giving faith and its practitioners a place at the national table. Senator Lieberman is dedicated to strengthening America's families and renewing our common values by working with parents to improve the culture in which they raise their children.

Senator Lieberman was born in Stamford, Connecticut, on February 24, 1942, and attended public schools there. He received his bachelor's degree from Yale College in 1964 and his law degree from Yale Law School in 1967. Senator Lieberman was elected to the Connecticut State Senate in 1970 and served there for ten years, including the last six as Majority Leader. In 1980, he returned to private legal practice for two years, and from 1983 through 1988, he served as Connecticut's 21st Attorney General. As Attorney General he took on polluters of Connecticut's environment, went after deadbeat dads by strengthening child support enforcement, and earned a strong reputation as a defender of consumers' rights.

Senator Lieberman was first elected to the United States Senate in 1988, scoring the nation's biggest political upset that year by a margin of just 10,000 votes. Six years later, he made history by winning the biggest landslide victory ever in a Connecticut Senate race, drawing 67 percent of the vote and beating his opponent by more than 350,000 votes. In 2000, Senator Lieberman was elected by another overwhelming margin to a third term.

Senator Lieberman is Ranking Member and former Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (formerly the Governmental Affairs Committee), which is responsible for assuring the efficiency and effectiveness of the Federal Government. In addition, he is a member of the Environment and Public Works Committee; Senate Armed Services Committee, where he is Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on AirLand Forces and sits on the Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities; and the Small Business Committee.

Senator Lieberman is also a former Chairman of the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC), which is "an idea center, catalyst, and national voice for a reform movement that is reshaping American politics by moving it beyond the old left-right debate." The DLC, like Senator Lieberman, advances public policy that honors the core American values of responsibility, opportunity, and community.

Senator Lieberman lives in New Haven and Washington with his wife Hadassah. Together they are the proud parents of four children - Matthew, Rebecca, Ethan and Hana - and three granddaughters, Tennessee, Willie and Eden.

The child of Holocaust survivors who fled Hitler's regime to start a new life in the U.S., Hadassah grew up in Gardiner, Massachusetts, where her father became the community rabbi.

Hadassah has spent her career working on health issues, assisting non-profit organizations, improving educational standards, and promoting international understanding. She is also devoted to community service, having served on several national nonprofit councils and boards. She continues to be a voice on many important issues facing the nation, such as improving women's health, reducing hurdles faced by immigrants as they strive for the middle class, and the challenge of caring for aging parents.


DateFirmApproveDisapproveDon't Know
10/02/2014-10/05/2014 Public Policy Polling 0.00% (-39.0) 0.00% (-48.0) 19.00% (+5.0)
08/22/2012-08/26/2012 Quinnipiac University 50.00% (+0.0) 38.00% (-1.0) 13.00% (+2.0)
05/29/2012-06/03/2012 Quinnipiac University 50.00% (-1.0) 39.00% (+1.0) 11.00% (+0.0)
03/14/2012-03/19/2012 Quinnipiac University 51.00% (+13.0) 38.00% (-7.0) 11.00% (-6.0)
09/22/2011-09/25/2011 Public Policy Polling 39.00% (+10.0) 48.00% (-10.0) 14.00% (+1.0)
03/17/2011-03/20/2011 Public Policy Polling 29.00% (-4.0) 58.00% (+4.0) 13.00% (+0.0)
03/01/2011-03/07/2011 Quinnipiac University 38.00% (-2.0) 45.00% (-5.0) 17.00% (+8.0)
10/27/2010-10/29/2010 Public Policy Polling 33.00% (+2.0) 54.00% (-3.0) 13.00% (+1.0)
09/30/2010-10/02/2010 Public Policy Polling 31.00% (+0.0) 57.00% (+0.0) 12.00% (+0.0)
07/07/2010-07/13/2010 Quinnipiac University 40.00% (-1.0) 50.00% (+0.0) 9.00% (+0.0)

Title Purchase Contributor
In Praise of Public Life  Purchase Gerald Farinas 
An Amazing Adventure: Joe and Hadassah's Personal Notes on the 2000 Campaign  Purchase eddy 9_99 

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Jan 14, 2019 08:00pm News Joe Lieberman Called Chinese Telecom Giant ZTE a National Security Threat. Now He’s a Lobbyist for It.  Article IndyGeorgia 
Dec 12, 2012 04:00pm Speech Senator Lieberman's Farewell Speech  Article Homegrown Democrat 
Oct 26, 2012 08:05am Statement Lieberman: 'No More Defense Cuts'  Article RP 
Jul 31, 2012 06:00am News Both party conventions snub Lieberman  Article Craverguy 
Sep 19, 2011 07:00pm General Lieberman ‘Very Fond’ of Bachmann and Perry  Article COSDem 
Jan 19, 2011 12:10pm General John McCain: Joe Lieberman for Defense secretary  Article Homegrown Democrat 
Oct 15, 2010 03:55pm Blog Entry The Fate of American Government Could Rest in Joe Lieberman's Annoying Hands  Article Homegrown Democrat 
Sep 21, 2010 12:55pm General Lieberman Wants To Start A Bipartisan, High-Income Tax Cuts Gang  Article Homegrown Democrat 
Sep 03, 2010 05:45pm Blog Entry Joe Lieberman: Loyal Democrat  Article COSDem 
May 27, 2010 04:00pm General Joe Lieberman open to backing Linda McMahon   Article COSDem 
Apr 13, 2010 09:45am Statement Lieberman: 'Thank God' political momentum now with GOP  Article RP 
Jan 25, 2010 01:00pm General Lieberman: ‘It’s Possible’ I Could Be ‘A Good Old-Fashioned New England Moderate Republican’  Article Monsieur 
Jan 07, 2010 10:25am Poll Poll: Lieberman Hated By Everyone In Connecticut After Health Care Debates  Article Homegrown Democrat 
Dec 27, 2009 09:00am Statement Lieberman: Yemen will be 'tomorrow's war' if pre-emptive action not taken  Article RP 
Dec 21, 2009 12:55pm General Lieberman: Obama Never Pressed Me On Public Option  Article Penguin 
Dec 20, 2009 10:00pm News Democrats take on the Liebermonster  Article Scott³ 
Dec 15, 2009 11:00am General Lieberman expresses regret to colleagues over healthcare tension   Not Available Brandonius Maximus 
Dec 14, 2009 09:15pm Blog Entry More Reasons To Love Joe Lieberman!  Article Homegrown Democrat 
Dec 14, 2009 05:00pm Poll 81% Of Dems Want Lieberman Punished For Health Care Filibuster  Article Scott³ 
Dec 14, 2009 01:20pm Blog Entry Joe Lieberman, Worst Person In History Of Universe, Part Nine Million  Article Homegrown Democrat 
Dec 13, 2009 08:00pm Blog Entry Harry and Joe   Article ArmyDem 
Nov 10, 2009 10:15am Amusing Obama's modest proposal: A Lieberman swap  Article RP 
Nov 08, 2009 06:00pm News Sen. Joe Lieberman calls Fort Hood massacre a 'terrorist' act  Article Monsieur 
Oct 30, 2009 11:00am News Former Dem Veep Candidate Plans to Campaign for GOP  Article BILLYW 
Oct 27, 2009 12:25pm Statement Lieberman: Sure, I'd Filibuster A Health Care Reform Bill With A Public Option  Article RP 
Oct 13, 2009 12:00pm Endorsement Lieberman opposes Baucus health bill  Article RP 
Oct 11, 2009 06:00pm News Lieberman bill may cross a bridge in same-sex debate  Article COSDem 
Aug 23, 2009 11:00am Interview Lieberman Suggests Health Care Reform May Have to Wait   Article RP 
Jan 29, 2009 03:40pm News Lieberman Heaps Praise On Obama For Afghan Policy, Al-Arabiya Interview  Article karin1492 
Jan 20, 2009 09:00am News Lieberman: "I was deeply moved and inspired"  Article ArmyDem 
Dec 17, 2008 06:40am Poll New Low For Lieberman In Quinnipiac Poll  Article Homegrown Democrat 
Dec 02, 2008 09:00am General Lieberman now praising Obama   Article Karma Policeman 
Nov 26, 2008 09:00pm Blog Entry Lieberman Donated to Gordon Smith & Peter King  Article Karma Policeman 
Nov 24, 2008 11:00pm General Lieberman: Obama 'about perfect' in Cabinet picks  Article Penguin 
Nov 18, 2008 11:00am Blog Entry Lieberman: Suck On That, Liberals!  Article Karma Policeman 
Nov 11, 2008 04:15pm News Obama wants Lieberman to stay with Senate Dems  Article Brandonius Maximus 
Nov 11, 2008 02:00pm Blog Entry It's Official: Full Dem Caucus Will Vote On Lieberman's Fate  Article ArmyDem 
Nov 09, 2008 09:00am Blog Entry Lieberman Aide: Booting Him Would Be Putting Politics Ahead Of Nation's Safety  Article ArmyDem 
Nov 07, 2008 10:25am News McConnell reaches out to Lieberman  Article Ex-New Jerseyan 
Nov 06, 2008 12:00pm News Lieberman keeps committee for now   Article Ex-New Jerseyan 
Oct 28, 2008 06:40pm Speculative Sen. Lieberman likely to lose his gavel in massive reshuffle being discussed   Article RP 
Oct 26, 2008 12:20pm Commentary Lieberman: I Respect Obama  Article Homegrown Democrat 
Oct 24, 2008 05:00pm Statement "Thank God" Palin isn't prez on Day One, Lieberman says   Article RP 
Sep 24, 2008 06:00pm General Conn. Democrats to debate censuring Lieberman  Article DFWDem 
Sep 05, 2008 07:00pm News After RNC Speech, Republicans Court Lieberman to Make the Switch Official  Article John 
Sep 04, 2008 11:20pm News Democrats Rebuke Lieberman for Obama Comments  Article ArmyDem 
Aug 13, 2008 11:00pm News Pelosi blasts Lieberman  Article ArmyDem 
Aug 10, 2008 10:20pm Blog Entry Lieberman's $100K Peace Offering To Senate Dems  Article The Sunset Provision 
Aug 09, 2008 01:00pm General Lieberman ‘on McCain short-list’  Article DFWDem 
Jul 22, 2008 01:00pm News Lieberman takes from Republicans, gives to Democrats  Article MadViking 
Jul 13, 2008 09:00pm News Democrats may cut Lieberman loose  Article TX DEM 
Jul 08, 2008 03:00pm News 43,000-name Petition to Expel Lieberman From the Senate Democratic Caucus to be Delivered by BNF and Netroots Activists  Article Thomas Walker 
Jul 01, 2008 08:00am Blog Entry Poll: Lieberman's Approval Rating Goes Down Back Home  Article ArmyDem 
Jun 29, 2008 05:00pm Statement Lieberman: U.S. May Be Attacked In 2009  Article RP 
Jun 05, 2008 12:30pm Event Obama Confronts Lieberman On McCain Advocacy, Tone, on Senate Floor  Article RP 
May 29, 2008 06:00pm Profile Say It Ain't So, Joe  Article RP 
May 27, 2008 05:55am Event Joseph Lieberman To Headline Upcoming Pastor Hagee Summit  Article RP 
May 21, 2008 06:00pm Op-Ed by Candidate Democrats and Our Enemies By JOSEPH LIEBERMAN  Article RP 
May 19, 2008 01:00pm Statement Dialogue with Sen. Lieberman on terrorism videos  Article RP 
Apr 20, 2008 01:00pm Commentary Lieberman's Gone Over To The Other Side  Article ArmyDem 
Apr 15, 2008 09:00pm News Lieberman willing to star at Republican convention  Article karin1492 
Apr 09, 2008 10:00am News FBI probe: Lieberman campaign to blame for crashing own Web site  Article ArmyDem 
Apr 08, 2008 10:40am Blog Entry Lieberwhat?  Article ArmyDem 
Feb 18, 2008 03:00pm General Sense of Freedom Follows a Career Crisis [Lieberman]  Article DFWDem 
Feb 11, 2008 04:10am General Lieberman may attend GOP convention  Article RP 
Feb 06, 2008 01:00am News Lieberman No Longer a Super Delegate  Article RBH 
Jan 09, 2008 01:00pm News Lieberman: McCain Has 'Better Judgment' Than to Name Him VP  Article The Sunset Provision 
Dec 03, 2007 08:20pm Opinion Lieberman: Friendly with GOP, lying about Democrats  Article The Sunset Provision 
Nov 21, 2007 01:40am News Lieberman joins McCain on Iraq trip  Article The Sunset Provision 
Jul 31, 2007 01:00am News Lieberman escalates attack on Iraq critics  Article Scott³ 
Jul 23, 2007 06:40am General Lieberman’s New Party Line  Article RP 
Jul 05, 2007 02:00am News Lieberman may back Republican in '08 race  Article RBH 
Jun 12, 2007 01:00pm Statement Party head lambastes Lieberman on Iran  Article RP 
Jun 10, 2007 04:00pm Interview Lieberman: Bomb Iran If It Doesn't Stop; Conn. Senator Says The U.S. Should Strike If Tehran Keeps Helping Anti-U.S. Forces In Iraq  Article Brandonius Maximus 
May 22, 2007 12:00pm Interview Lieberman, Sticking With Democrats for Now, Warns Them on Iraq  Article RP 
Mar 10, 2007 05:00pm News A New Seating Chart  Article Hail to the Rookies 
Feb 28, 2007 04:00pm News Lieberman criticizes Bush over first-responder funding  Article Servo 
Feb 22, 2007 01:35pm Statement Lieberman Says It's A "Remote Possibility" That He'll Jump To GOP  Article RP 
Feb 06, 2007 01:50pm Proposed Legislation Lieberman: U.S. should consider terrorism tax  Article RP 
Jan 28, 2007 07:35pm Blog Entry Brownback Knocks Down Lieberman Claim That Iraq Resolutions ‘Encourage The Enemy’  Article ArmyDem 
Jan 28, 2007 05:00pm General Lieberman may back Republican in 2008  Article DFWDem 
Jan 24, 2007 11:00am Blog Entry The toxicity of Joe Lieberman's treason accusations  Article RP 
Jan 19, 2007 08:15pm News Lieberman: Don't List Me as a Democrat  Article Ripzaw 
Jan 14, 2007 12:00pm Blog Entry Hagel smacks down Lieberman  Article ArmyDem 
Nov 10, 2006 02:00pm Announcement Lieberman: Call me a Democrat  Article Monsieur 
Aug 25, 2006 02:00pm News Lieberman still a Democrat -- on paper  Article Monsieur 
Aug 21, 2006 03:00pm News City Asked To Un-"Democrat" Lieberman  Article Ripzaw 
Aug 14, 2006 10:05pm Opinion The last hawkish Democrat leaves the building  Article Ralphie 
Jul 22, 2006 09:20pm Blog Entry The Incumbent Party  Article Ripzaw 
Jul 04, 2006 07:35am News MoveOn Criticizes Sen. Lieberman for Decision to Run as Independent If He Loses Connecticut's Democratic Primary in August  Article kal 
Jun 27, 2006 11:00pm News Lieberman Is Endorsed by AFL-CIO  Article New York Democrat 
Jun 27, 2006 05:00am General Can Lieberman Survive Iraq?  Article kal 
Nov 19, 2004 12:00am Speculative Talk Of Lieberman As Mr. Secretary  Article Tony82 
Apr 28, 2004 12:00am Humor In case you've forgotten, today is national 'Say Hi to Joe Day'  Article BILLYW 
Feb 03, 2004 12:00am News Sen. Joe Lieberman to announce his withdrawal from presidential race  Article Eric 
Jan 25, 2004 12:00am News Lieberman lodges protest with CNN over 'Jew question'  Article Eddie 
Jan 20, 2004 12:00am News Lieberman Says He Won't Quit After NH  Article Gerald Farinas 
Dec 26, 2003 12:00am News Lieberman Calls for Abortion Discussion  Article Ced 
Dec 19, 2003 12:00am News Lieberman Says Dean is Divisive Force  Article PragCon 3.0 
Dec 15, 2003 12:00am Picture Dogs for Joe (Lieberman)  Article User 13 
Dec 11, 2003 12:00am News Lieberman turns tables after Gore snub  Article New York Democrat 
Dec 09, 2003 12:00am News Lieberman in Dark About Gore Nod to Dean  Article Wabash 
Nov 11, 2003 12:00am Amusing Lieberman Sings to Supporters  Article Eddie 
Oct 14, 2003 12:00am General Lieberman, the Centrist in the Middle of the Pack  Article Ced 
Sep 27, 2003 12:00am News Lieberman behind on fund-raising  Article FreedomDemocrat 
Sep 16, 2003 12:00am News Lieberman Will Back D.C. School Vouchers  Article Ced 
Sep 15, 2003 12:00am Perspective Fear erodes Lieberman's support  Article eddy 9_99 
Sep 03, 2003 12:00am Commentary Lieberman campaign tight lipped on Indian issues  Article FreedomDemocrat 
Aug 19, 2003 12:00am General Lieberman refuses to run to the left  Article Ced 
Aug 18, 2003 12:00am General Lieberman's positions veer from his party's  Article Ced 
Aug 11, 2003 12:00am News Lieberman lashes left-wing Democrats  Article Ced 
Aug 05, 2003 12:00am News Lieberman: Dems Need to Focus on Security  Article Ced 
Aug 05, 2003 12:00am Analysis The Lieberman conundrum  Article Ced 
Aug 04, 2003 12:00am General Lieberman Takes A Stand  Article Ced 
Jul 28, 2003 12:00am News Lieberman faults Bush, Democratic rivals on Iraq  Article Ced 
Jul 10, 2003 12:00am Profile Holy Joe, Corporate Joe, G.I. Joe  Article RP 
Jul 02, 2003 12:00am News Lieberman Raises $5 Million  Article Ced 
Jun 17, 2003 12:00am Profile Centrist In Debt To JFK  Article None Entered 
Jan 21, 2003 08:33pm General Lieberman 2004 website  Article New Dem 

[View Previous Messages In This Discussion (9 Previous)]
Connecticut for Lieberman Party (Satire)  Discuss
  01/03/2011 Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Chairperson Won 55.56% (+11.11%)
  01/03/2011 US Senate Armed Services Committee - Majority Members Won 14.29% (+1.10%)
  01/03/2009 Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Chairperson Won 58.82% (+17.65%)
  08/29/2008 US Vice President - R Selection Lost 0.00% (-100.00%)
  01/08/2008 NH US Vice President - R Primary Lost 0.82% (-61.61%)
  01/08/2008 NH US Vice President - D Primary Lost 0.06% (-46.87%)
  01/04/2007 CT US Senate - Party Switch Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/07/2006 CT US Senate Won 49.71% (+9.98%)
  08/08/2006 CT US Senate - D Primary Lost 48.25% (-3.50%)
  05/26/2006 CT US Senate - D Convention Won 66.53% (+33.07%)
  06/09/2004 US President - D Primaries Lost 1.73% (-59.25%)
  06/08/2004 US President - R Primaries Lost 0.01% (-98.05%)
  03/02/2004 MN US President - IP Caucus Lost 0.49% (-40.61%)
  01/27/2004 NH US Vice President - D Primary Lost 10.38% (-28.36%)
  01/27/2004 NH US Vice President - R Primary Lost 1.32% (-40.30%)
  11/07/2000 US Vice President Lost 49.44% (-0.93%)
  11/07/2000 CT US Senate Won 63.21% (+29.04%)
  08/17/2000 US Vice President - D Convention Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/08/1994 CT US Senate Won 67.04% (+36.03%)
  11/08/1988 CT US Senate Won 49.76% (+0.73%)
  11/04/1986 CT Attorney General Won 64.68% (+29.35%)
  11/02/1982 CT Attorney General Won 58.13% (+17.08%)
  11/04/1980 CT District 3 Lost 46.46% (-5.87%)
  11/07/1978 CT State Senate 10 Won 75.44% (+50.89%)
  11/02/1976 CT State Senate 10 Won 68.55% (+37.11%)
  11/05/1974 CT State Senate 10 Won 74.52% (+49.06%)
  11/07/1972 CT State Senate 10 Won 63.09% (+26.19%)
  11/03/1970 CT State Senate 11 Won 69.65% (+39.31%)
NE District 02 - Nov 03, 2020 R Don Bacon
GA US Senate - Special Election - Nov 03, 2020 D Matt Lieberman
PA District 01 - Nov 03, 2020 R Brian Fitzpatrick
ME US Senate - Nov 03, 2020 R Susan Collins
NY District 14 - Nov 06, 2018 D Joseph Crowley
CT US President - Nov 08, 2016 D Hillary Clinton
CA - District 30 - Nov 06, 2012 D Howard L. Berman
US Senate Control - Nov 02, 2010 D Democratic Party Control
New York City Council 44 Special - Mar 23, 2010 D David G. Greenfield
Supreme Court - Associate Justice - Aug 06, 2009 I Sonia Sotomayor
US Attorney General - Feb 02, 2009 D Eric Holder
US President - Dec 15, 2008 R John McCain
ME US Senate - Nov 04, 2008 R Susan Collins
US Attorney General - Nov 08, 2007 R Michael Mukasey
US Senate Control - Nov 07, 2006 D Democratic Party Control
Supreme Court - Associate Justice - Jan 31, 2006 NPA Reject
Supreme Court - Chief Justice - Sep 29, 2005 R John G. Roberts Jr.
US Attorney General - Feb 03, 2005 R Alberto S. Gonzales
Miami-Dade County Mayor-Runoff - Nov 02, 2004 D Jimmy Morales
CA Governor Recall - Question 1 - Oct 07, 2003 NO No
Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security - May 08, 2001 R John R. Bolton
US Secretary of the Interior - Jan 30, 2001 NPA Reject
US Attorney General - Jan 20, 2001 NPA Reject
Second Circuit Court Judge - Oct 02, 1998 I Sonia Sotomayor
U.S. Surgeon General - Feb 10, 1998 D David M. Satcher
Supreme Court - Associate Justice - Jul 29, 1994 D Stephen G. Breyer
U.S. Surgeon General - Sep 07, 1993 D M. Joycelyn Elders
Supreme Court - Associate Justice - Aug 03, 1993 D Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Supreme Court - Associate Justice - Oct 15, 1991 NPA Reject
Supreme Court - Associate Justice - Oct 02, 1990 R David Souter
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