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  Lieberman ‘Very Fond’ of Bachmann and Perry
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Last EditedCOSDem  Sep 19, 2011 07:19pm
News DateSep 19, 2011 07:00pm
DescriptionFormer human being and present democratic pariah, Sen. Joe Liebermanz, simply loves pestering liberals and democrats with his new found ultra-conservative positions that neatly coincide with today’s rabid and rancorous Republican Party. Al Gore’sz former running mate (only because he rallied against Clinton’s penis the loudest) and current Independent senator from Connecticut plans on retiring from the US Senate, on the account of being as popular as Herpes Simplex one, so he can pretty much show his true colors wily-nily. It was egregious when Jon Edwards cheated on his cancer-stricken wife and thus was discarded from the democratic party, but Joe Lieberman cheated on the Democratic party with Karl Rovez and the Republicans.

Senator Lieberman initially angered his democratic base by refusing to repudiate his support for the Iraq war and was punished for it at the polls in the 2006 Democratic Primary, so he became and ”Independent”. Then, he perturbed the Democratic Party by not only endorsing Republican John McCainz in 2008, but actively campaigning for him. But exasperation soon turned into full-throated, murderous rage when Sen. Lieberman sided with the big health insurance companies and filibustered the Health Care Reform bill. So it would seem that Joe Lieberman couldn’t possibly alienate himself any further from mainstream voters, but never underestimate Joementum.
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