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New User Account
"A collaborative political resource." 
Email: Password:

  Create New User Account
So you want to become a member of OurCampaigns?

Members start out immediately with the ability to post messages. If you contribute to the discussion areas, in a week of two you should have your access increased where you can vote in message polls, make predictions and endorsements. Further contribution for the next few weeks will lead to access which will allow you to contribute to almost all data on the site.

If you are not interested in contributing to any of these areas, a membership may not be something you need. If, on the other hand, these abilities are something you would like to have, let's continue by getting some information from you for your account:

First, we will need a real, functioning email address from you. Your password will be randomly generated and sent to this email address, and you may not log in without this password. Once you have received your password, you may log in and change it to something you can remember better. This email address will not be visible to anyone on the system other than yourself, and will only be used to send replacement passwords if you have forgotten yours.
Email Address
Next, you will need to choose a Screen Name. Your screen name is used extensively throughout the site to identify you to other users. It can be your real name, or it can be something more whimsical. There is a maximum of 30 characters allowed.
Screen Name
Please select the country in which you live.
These next items are optional. Your First and Last Names are if you want to identify yourself to our members by your real name as well as your screen name. Your Birthday is used to have the site list you as having a birthday on that date, which the members usually use to send a whole bunch of "Happy Birthday" messages your way. The Email field here is if you want to have your address visible to members. It can be the same or different as your functioning email address above. Non-members do not see your First Name, Last Name or Email even if you do not check the privacy box below.
First Name
Last Name
Public Email
Normally, a page is created for each member which lists your personal information, your posts, endorsements, personal links and news items and so on, and also allows people to post messages. If you check the box below, this page will not be accessible except by high-level moderators on the site. Since this is the only page where your First Name, Last Name, Public Email and a few other data items appear, you can use this to have the information in the system, but only for site moderators.
Privacy - Check this box if you do not want
this info to appear on the website.
You may upload an optional JPEG picture which will appear on your User Page and next to each of your messages.
Photo/Icon (jpg)

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