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   to Old Dominion Democrat
Screen NameOld Dominion Democrat   
LocationRichmond, ,
BirthdayJuly 14, 1985
First LoginApril 06, 2017 03:49pm
Last LoginMarch 08, 2021 06:36am
Predictions Points: 1532.0778
Predictions: 597/761 (78.45%)
Points Per: 1532.0778/761 (2.01)
Emote Messages 113
D:9602Old Dominion Democrat ( 1532.08 points)
March 08, 2020 03:53pm
Win the Caucus. Lose the Primary. Repeat.

Otherwise known as the Sanders Cycle of Politics.

D:9602Old Dominion Democrat ( 1532.08 points)
March 03, 2020 04:06pm
Regardless of the side of the issue, any issue, I am absolutely not supportive of people like this knowingly showing up at the private homes of elected officials. Harass and ambush them at work or in public all you'd like, but homes really should be off limits.

D:9602Old Dominion Democrat ( 1532.08 points)
February 06, 2020 01:05pm
There's kind of a low 40's floor for decent, funded statewide Democrats in Alabama. Jones certainly won't lose by 30 points. But I'd be surprised to see him finish with less than 40-43%.

D:9602Old Dominion Democrat ( 1532.08 points)
January 09, 2020 03:26pm
If PA is going red again in November, then I'd be inclined to believe AZ is too.

D:9602Old Dominion Democrat ( 1532.08 points)
January 09, 2020 03:17pm
Ole Vladimir Putin is cheering
and though it may appall
He's whizzing to the White House
on the MAGA cannonball.

D:9602Old Dominion Democrat ( 1532.08 points)
January 07, 2020 05:32pm
With Loeffler, 3 of the last 4 GOP women sent to the US Senate were appointed rather than elected. If you can't elect'em, appoint'em.

D:9602Old Dominion Democrat ( 1532.08 points)
December 22, 2019 10:57am
Just realized Alaska has elected four consecutive one-term Governors. And at this rate Dunleavy is looking to become number five.

D:9602Old Dominion Democrat ( 1532.08 points)
December 21, 2019 02:45pm
As a Democrat who doesn't automatically disqualify other Democrats just because they are not progressives in a conservative district, I would encourage Shuler to run again for his old seat.

D:9602Old Dominion Democrat ( 1532.08 points)
December 15, 2019 12:44pm
When have hats and yard signs ever been a sign of electoral success?

D:9602Old Dominion Democrat ( 1532.08 points)
December 14, 2019 11:50am
If we think these pardons are outrageous, just wait til we see the Trump pardons on the way out.

D:9602Old Dominion Democrat ( 1532.08 points)
November 30, 2019 01:15pm
This may end up being a repeat of the special election primary in Kansas in 1996 where the Governor's handpicked appointee gets successfully primaried by a more conservative, flame-throwing white male congressman.

D:9602Old Dominion Democrat ( 1532.08 points)
November 15, 2019 04:25pm
The endorsement here of Northam for Marshall is disingenuous. It is based on an off the cuff remark Northam made while speaking at an official function. At no time did he or his office offer an official endorsement and neither did he explicitly say he endorses Marshall for reelection, if fact his office later confirmed he supports all Democrats on the ballot. The link for the endorsement is from Stamps' Twitter account. I really think the endorsement should be deleted.

D:9602Old Dominion Democrat ( 1532.08 points)
November 14, 2019 03:44pm
African-American voters may very likely be his saving grace for a second term. They are about 4-5% more of the total vote in the run-off than the primary.

D:9602Old Dominion Democrat ( 1532.08 points)
November 12, 2019 03:40pm
Part of JBE's problem is that voters in blue states are far more willing to vote for a governor from the opposite party than southern red states. JBE is posting an approval rating in mid-to-low 50s and has towed a pretty conservative line, minus a few issues like medicaid expansion, and the main anchor around his neck is still party label more than anything else.

D:9602Old Dominion Democrat ( 1532.08 points)
October 10, 2019 03:30pm
The great thing about candidates like McGrath, Abrams, Beto, etc., is that although they may not prove victorious in their own respective races, they still help to generate turnout and enthusiasm which helps Democratic candidates up and down the ballot in each of these states to varying degrees.

D:9602Old Dominion Democrat ( 1532.08 points)
September 26, 2019 05:56pm
Kentucky, like several other red states, will deliberately and knowingly vote against its own interests just to spite the Democrats in their own mind.

D:9602Old Dominion Democrat ( 1532.08 points)
September 09, 2019 05:19pm
9 years later and I am still amazed that Delaware Republicans literally voted to throw a Senate seat away on this night.

D:9602Old Dominion Democrat ( 1532.08 points)
September 07, 2019 02:38pm
Bernie supporters in Maine next November:

1. Green Party nominee
2. Trump
3. *All others just as bad as Trump

D:9602Old Dominion Democrat ( 1532.08 points)
September 04, 2019 04:41pm
Britain has to be wishing right about now they had an actual written Constitution.

D:9602Old Dominion Democrat ( 1532.08 points)
September 03, 2019 05:29pm
Well that certainly didn't take long.

D:9602Old Dominion Democrat ( 1532.08 points)
July 26, 2019 11:22am
Republicans: Elections have consequences.

Also Republicans: We don't like the consequences of this election so we are going to recall.

D:9602Old Dominion Democrat ( 1532.08 points)
July 23, 2019 11:44am
Morrissey should be expelled. He is a disgusting human being and a sexual predator.

D:9602Old Dominion Democrat ( 1532.08 points)
July 22, 2019 04:39pm
It would likely be more difficult for a polarizing figure like LePage to win under instant runoff voting.

D:9602Old Dominion Democrat ( 1532.08 points)
July 18, 2019 05:33pm
Bernie Campaign, July 2039: We blame the media for Bernie's failing primary campaign. They keep reminding voters that he is dead while simultaneously reminding voters the other candidates are alive. This type of entrenched, systemic media rigging is what our campaign has been fighting for the past 23 years.

D:9602Old Dominion Democrat ( 1532.08 points)
July 09, 2019 11:47am
Considering in 2016 not a single state voted for a presidential candidate/senate candidate from opposing parties, this new trend of down ballot sweeps will only likely be more cemented in heavily partisan states like Kentucky.

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