LBT:11457 | The Fixer ( 50.83 points)
| December 04, 2024 09:48am |
I am totally shocked by this, if he does this, a Democratic governor is virtually impossible.
I know he'd led in every poll, but I really don't see Kenyatta winning this.
I:6738 | IndyGeorgia ( 4590.47 points)
| September 10, 2024 06:43pm |
Could Williams win..... multiple counties?
Joker:9757 | BrentinCO ( 9683.07 points)
| July 25, 2024 10:40am |
Landslide Marshall for the win.
LBT:11457 | The Fixer ( 50.83 points)
| June 03, 2024 12:34pm |
Filed as an independent candidate. If he garners 10%+ vote, this seat will be flipped to Republican control.
Joker:9757 | BrentinCO ( 9683.07 points)
| November 07, 2023 08:05pm |
Mostly Republican precincts remaining.
If this guy gets the nomination, I'm pretty sure he'll win.
Joker:9757 | BrentinCO ( 9683.07 points)
| October 20, 2023 05:05pm |
Campari_007: Are we doing this again? Good god. What an unserious political party.
Call me crazy, but I'm feeling pretty good about the Republicans selecting a candidate that goes on to win this time.
BEER:10271 | WSNJ ( 478.42 points)
| August 31, 2023 10:43am |
This district is now heavily in play for both parties. This is the last thing the GOP wanted.
Joker:9757 | BrentinCO ( 9683.07 points)
| May 26, 2023 09:17am |
Three day weekend. Most people have their minds on their kids graduation or summer vacations starting. The ideal slow news weekend 3pm news drop opportunity. Wonder if we'll get any surprises today.
Santos resigning?
Feinstein retiring?
D:1 | RP ( 5618.82 points)
| May 04, 2023 03:21pm |
I give props to Speaker McCarthy for his continued support for Ukraine.
IF Robinson gets the nomination, Republicans will lose the general election. North Carolina's version of Doug Mastriano.
LBT:11457 | The Fixer ( 50.83 points)
| April 19, 2023 06:45pm |
Max Rohtbart: Dems will fall in line and be energized if Trump is the GOP nominee, biggest question is can any of Bidens opponents get above the 15% threshold to be awarded delegates.
He will not be the nominee at all.
LBT:11457 | The Fixer ( 50.83 points)
| April 18, 2023 01:06am |
NCdem: Jesus Christ...
He is not going to win, calm down!
BEER:10271 | WSNJ ( 478.42 points)
| April 16, 2023 02:11pm |
Between having column A in GlouCo and the line in Atlantic and Camden, I'd say that DelBorello and his ticket will win.
LBT:11457 | The Fixer ( 50.83 points)
| March 05, 2023 04:55pm |
Will be gone in 2027. Enjoy your last term!
LBT:11457 | The Fixer ( 50.83 points)
| February 22, 2023 07:50pm |
Campari_007: Congratulations GOP you clearly didn't learn any lessons from November when the Michigan GOP got wiped.
They elected three Muslims to the party leadership after how well Republicans got 28% of Muslim vote. This will cause it increase.
LBT:11457 | The Fixer ( 50.83 points)
| January 11, 2023 11:47am |
Will resign soon!
Here me know quote me later. I think Hoh is going to be the 2024 nominee
D:8509 | DylanSH99 ( 1731.58 points)
| October 25, 2022 07:54pm |
As a Democrat, this debate is hard to watch. I do not see Fetterman winning this election anymore.
D:6149 | Campari_007 ( 1501.16 points)
| October 23, 2022 11:45am |
I feel Hofmeister is going to win this. I know this is anecdotal but there's a lot of strong GOP voters (which she'd need to win anyway to win this state) who are going to vote for Hofmeister at the top but down the ticket vote for the GOP. Stitt also pissed off many of the tribes here in Oklahoma and that's something you just don't do.
I’ve been predicting an Oz victory even when polls had Fetterman up by double digits. It’s almost impossible to escape a state’s partisanship+national environment. I learned that lesson in VA Sen 2014 and WI Sen 2016 (among others).
It's still gonna be close, but I no longer expect Fetterman to win.
Which surprises the Hell out of me.
I've seldom been so sure someone was gooing to win a seriously contested race, and subsequently changed my mind.
But a stroke is a major life event.
So what are we thinking? The Queen's last Prime Minister or will there be one more before she passes?
If the Democrats don't run anyone, I can honestly see McMullin actually winning.