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   from BigZuck08
Screen NameBigZuck08   
Location, ,
BirthdayDecember 09, 2008
AffiliationNew Democratic
First LoginJuly 21, 2024 08:34pm
Last LoginMarch 25, 2025 05:18am
Predictions Points: 1151.8744
Predictions: 869/951 (91.38%)
Points Per: 1151.8744/951 (1.21)
Emote Messages 5
I:11727LSjustbloggin ( 99.88 points)
November 11, 2024 11:43pm
Juan Croniqueur: She's a shameless shill for Israel. What could possibly go wrong?

Here we go again with the Israel bashing.

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -228.64 points)
October 30, 2024 04:40pm
Racists are garbage.

If that is a hot take to you, then I have bad news for you......

I:11727LSjustbloggin ( 99.88 points)
x2 x2
September 25, 2024 12:20am
Stein doesn't deserve to be Governor, but Republicans should also be embarrassed of their candidate. Pick your poison North Carolina.

I:11727LSjustbloggin ( 99.88 points)
September 18, 2024 12:28am
More excuse to go after Israel, a country which I compassionately defend against all criticism.

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -228.64 points)
August 03, 2024 07:55pm
BigZuck08: But my original statement wasn't a response to anything you or Kyle said. I was just stating my opinion and you responded to MY post accusing me of Islamaphobia. When somebody accuses me of something like that I'm not just going to stand there and not push back. But anyway, I'm not going to bring this any further, after this message this will be at "30 New" which would be the highest amount of new texts I have ever seen. I have agreed to disagree and agreed to move on but it's clear you did not. So, all I have left to say now is, it's almost 9 PM here in Pennsylvania so I wish you a good rest of the night.

Again I didn't accuse, I asked a question.

I stated and I quote: So, when it's racism against Arabs and Palestinians there's a statute of limitations on when we can call it out?, to which this whole convo has seemingly indicated yes; probably because ur an edgelord who has said some very out of pocket **** somewhere and do not want to be "#CANCELLED" for it down the line.

Guy says bad thing when he was 20, has made no indication he has changed: yes that should be disqualifying. Most people try to make that argument for like teenagers, not ****ing 20 year olds

  Discussion 0-25 of 5