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  Hezbollah vows to punish Israel after pager explosions across Lebanon
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Last EditedJason  Sep 17, 2024 09:14pm
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News DateWednesday, September 18, 2024 03:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionBEIRUT, Sept 17 (Reuters) - Militant group Hezbollah promised to retaliate against Israel after accusing it of detonating pagers across Lebanon on Tuesday, killing nine people and wounding nearly 3,000 others who included fighters and Iran's envoy to Beirut.

Lebanese Information Minister Ziad Makary condemned the late-afternoon detonation of the pagers - handheld devices that Hezbollah and others in Lebanon use to send messages - as an "Israeli aggression". Hezbollah said Israel would receive "its fair punishment" for the blasts.

The Israeli military, which has been engaged in cross-border fighting with Iran-backed Hezbollah since the start of the Gaza war in October, declined to respond to questions about the detonations.

The death toll rose from eight to nine on Tuesday night while the number of injured remained at 2,750, Lebanon's health ministry said.
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I:11727LSjustbloggin ( 0.0000 points)
Wed, September 18, 2024 06:28:51 AM UTC0:00
More excuse to go after Israel, a country which I compassionately defend against all criticism.

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.4800 points)
Wed, September 18, 2024 06:34:28 AM UTC0:00
LSjustbloggin: More excuse to go after Israel, a country which I compassionately defend against all criticism.

Are you SERIOUSLY going to defend Israel Hacking into pagers that are used in Lebanon, and just remotely BLOWING THEM UP in broad daylight without any consideration of any collateral damage?

Thats a literal war crime

D:1RP ( 5508.0200 points)
Wed, September 18, 2024 03:46:12 PM UTC0:00
Need more info, but not sure I'm totally against this. The Hezbollah members opened themselves up to retaliation, though I am concerned with bystanders. Hezbollah has got to be really stupid on security to fall for this though.

D:1RP ( 5508.0200 points)
Wed, September 18, 2024 03:47:10 PM UTC0:00
LSjustbloggin: More excuse to go after Israel, a country which I compassionately defend against all criticism.

Nobody and no country should be immune to criticism. That's just toxic and authoritarian.

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.4800 points)
Wed, September 18, 2024 04:28:59 PM UTC0:00
RP: Need more info, but not sure I'm totally against this. The Hezbollah members opened themselves up to retaliation, though I am concerned with bystanders. Hezbollah has got to be really stupid on security to fall for this though.

There was a tweet that I saw that simply stated: If Israel was 100% sure that the pagers were only with Hezbollah members, why didn't they wait until a battle or a meeting where they were FAR AWAY from civilians?

I:6738IndyGeorgia ( 4113.6006 points)
Wed, September 18, 2024 05:22:40 PM UTC0:00
Analysis from BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner:

If Israel’s Mossad spy agency has indeed managed to sabotage almost the entire communications network of its enemy, Hezbollah, then when is the most effective time to deliver that blow?

The answer surely has to be: just before or during a major military offensive by the Israel Defense Forces against Hezbollah. And yet there is little or no sign of that happening.

So what does that leave? An angry and paranoid Hezbollah vowing revenge, accusations of international law being broken, but most of all, Hezbollah will now look for new ways to communicate.

The element of surprise, that might have delivered such a decisive advantage to Israel in a full-scale war against Hezbollah, has now been lost.

It’s possible that, when it comes to sabotaging its enemy’s communications, Israel has shot its bolt too early.

Maybe they just wanted to freak out Hezbollah.

D:10973Patrick ( -4.3845 points)
Thu, September 19, 2024 12:24:39 AM UTC0:00
Israel sucks but this was awesome

For:10038Luzerne County Historian ( -631.8989 points)
Thu, September 19, 2024 02:11:42 AM UTC0:00
I never knew how much outdated technology could be used as low-grade explosives. I wonder if my typewriter...

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.4800 points)
Thu, September 19, 2024 03:22:45 AM UTC0:00
When it comes to blowing up Middle Easterners Israel and the US will find a way....

I:11727LSjustbloggin ( 0.0000 points)
Thu, September 19, 2024 05:05:27 AM UTC0:00
Patrick: Israel sucks but this was awesome

Supporting the terrorists, aren't you ?.

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.4800 points)
Thu, September 19, 2024 05:22:26 AM UTC0:00
LSjustbloggin: Supporting the terrorists, aren't you ?.

No he said that Israel sucked

LBT:11457The Fixer ( 14.2443 points)
Thu, September 19, 2024 08:28:32 PM UTC0:00
I am not surprised by Israel's move in these attack since Israel is the most cybersecurity sophisticated country sometimes more than USA, China, and Russia, but Hezbollah was pretty dumb with carrying pagers.

D:1RP ( 5508.0200 points)
Thu, September 19, 2024 08:58:51 PM UTC0:00
The Fixer: I am not surprised by Israel's move in these attack since Israel is the most cybersecurity sophisticated country sometimes more than USA, China, and Russia, but Hezbollah was pretty dumb with carrying pagers.

Israel isn't better than the USA. They just have to show their hand more than the USA does.

The Hungarian company that Hezbollah bought the pagers and walkie talkies from was a Israeli front that was set up in 2002 specifically to sell these to Hebollah. They also sold them to others - theoretically without the explosives.

LBT:11457The Fixer ( 14.2443 points)
Thu, September 19, 2024 09:06:06 PM UTC0:00
Israel isn't better than the USA. They just have to show their hand more than the USA does.

The Hungarian company that Hezbollah bought the pagers and walkie talkies from was a Israeli front that was set up in 2002 specifically to sell these to Hebollah. They also sold them to others - theoretically without the explosives.

Did any senior leaders have them with explosive or just fighters?

D:10973Patrick ( -4.3845 points)
Fri, September 20, 2024 01:25:28 AM UTC0:00
Senior leaders had palm pilots so they are safe