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  Q4: Nevada Removal of Slavery Language
Parents > United States > Nevada > Initiatives & Referendums > 2024 Referendums > Question 4 - Removal of Slavery Language
Filing Deadline January 01, 2024 - 12:00am
Polls Open November 05, 2024 - 09:00am
Polls Close November 05, 2024 - 10:00pm
Term Start November 06, 2024 - 12:00pm
Term End January 01, 3999 - 12:00pm
ContributorMr. Matt
Last ModifiedCrimson90 December 01, 2024 02:22pm
Data Sources[Link]
DescriptionShall the Ordinance of the Nevada Constitution and the Nevada Constitution be amended to remove language authorizing the use of slavery and involuntary servitude as a criminal punishment?

Amendments to the Ordinance and Article 1, Section 17 of the Nevada Constitution. Underlined text is language that would be added and struck through text would be deleted should the measure pass.

Text of Ordinance

Slavery prohibited; freedom of religious worship; disclaimer of public lands. [Effective until the date Congress consents to amendment or a legal determination is made that such consent is not necessary.] In obedience to the requirements of an act of the Congress of the United States, approved March twenty-first, A.D. eighteen hundred and sixty-four, to enable the people of Nevada to form a constitution and state government, this convention, elected and convened in obedience to said enabling act, do ordain as follows, and this ordinance shall be irrevocable, without the consent of the United States and the people of the State of Nevada:

First. That there shall be in this state neither slavery nor involuntary servitude., otherwise than in the punishment for crimes, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted.
Second. That perfect toleration of religious sentiment shall be secured, and no inhabitant of said state shall ever be molested, in person or property, on account of his or her mode of religious worship.
Third. That the people inhabiting said territory do agree and declare, that they forever disclaim all right and title to the unappropriated public lands lying within said territory, and that the same shall be and remain at the sole and entire disposition of the United States; and that lands belonging to citizens of the United States, residing without the said state, shall never be taxed higher than the land belonging to the residents thereof; and that no taxes shall be imposed by said state on lands or property therein belonging to, or which may hereafter be purchased by, the United States, unless otherwise provided by the congress of the United States.

Text of Section 17:

Slavery and Involuntary Servitude Prohibited

Neither Slavery nor involuntary servitude unless for the punishment of crimes shall ever be tolerated in this State.

KEY RACE? 0.0000000000 Average

Name Yes No
Votes835,627 (60.60%) 543,236 (39.40%)
Margin0 (0.00%) -292,391 (-21.21%)
Predict Avg.0.00% 0.00%
Finances$0.00 $0.00

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