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  National Liberation
CountryCosta Rica
Contributor411 Name Removed
Last EditedBojicat - December 01, 2021 02:39pm
DescriptionCenter-left, socio-liberal party born of the National Liberation Army commanded by caudillo José Figueres Ferrer during the 44-day Costa Rican Civil War of 1948 against the National Republican government of Costa Rican President Rafael Angel Calderon. Upon Figueres' victory, the Social Democratic Party and the group Democratic Action united to form the National Liberation Party in 1951. Party has been led by Jorge Pattoni Sáenz since April 28, 2020 [Partido Liberación Nacional (PLN); known colloquially as the 'green and whites' ("verdiblancos")].

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07/01/2026 UN Secretary-General Rebeca Grynspan ???
02/04/2024 San José Mayor Mario Vargas Lost 20.99% (-4.36%)
05/03/2022 Costa Rica Minister of Science and Technology Carlos Enrique Alvarado Briceño Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
05/03/2022 Costa Rica Minister of Agriculture and Livestock Laura Bonilla Coto Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
04/03/2022 Costa Rica President - Runoff José María Figueres Olsen Lost 47.18% (-5.65%)
02/06/2022 Costa Rica Legislative Assembly - Popular Vote National Liberation Party Won 24.82% (+9.85%)
02/06/2022 Costa Rica President José María Figueres Olsen Won 27.28% (+10.51%)
02/06/2022 Costa Rica Legislative Assembly - Party Standings National Liberation Party Won 33.33% (+15.79%)
12/21/2020 Costa Rica Minister of Labor and Social Security Silvia Lara Povedano Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
04/16/2020 Costa Rica Minister of the Presidency Marcelo Prieto Jiménez Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
05/17/2018 Costa Rica Minister of Tourism Maria Amalia Revelo Raventós Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
05/08/2018 Costa Rica Minister of Foreign Trade Dyalá Jiménez Figueres Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
05/08/2018 Costa Rica Minister of Economy, Industry and Commerce Victoria Hernández Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
05/08/2018 Costa Rica Minister of Housing and Human Settlements María Campos Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
02/04/2018 Costa Rica President Antonio Álvarez Desanti Lost 18.63% (-6.36%)
02/04/2018 Costa Rica Legislative Assembly - Party Standings National Liberation Party Won 29.82% (+5.26%)
04/02/2017 Costa Rica President - PLN Primary Sigifredo Aiza Campos Lost 7.75% (-38.12%)
04/02/2017 Costa Rica President - PLN Primary Rodolfo González Ulloa Lost 9.24% (-36.63%)
04/02/2017 Costa Rica President - PLN Primary José María Figueres Olsen Lost 37.14% (-8.73%)
04/02/2017 Costa Rica President - PLN Primary Antonio Álvarez Desanti Won 45.87% (+8.73%)
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