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  National Democratic
ContributorUser 13
Last EditedJuan Croniqueur - March 20, 2025 12:45am
DescriptionFar-right, ultra-nationalist party and successor to the neo-Nazi German Reich Party (Deutsche Reichspartei, DRP) dissolved in 1965. Party was close to being banned by Germany's Constitutional Court in 2016 and 2017. Continued controversy over the NPD brand and failure at the legislative level convinced members to vote to rename the party Die Heimat (Homeland) on June 3, 2023 and de-register the old name. Party was led by Frank Franz who will continue to lead the newly-named party [Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (NPD)].

Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Apr 29, 2012 09:00pm Strategy Eco-Movement Infiltrated By Right-Wing Extremists in Germany  Article Jason 



03/02/2025 Hamburg Parliament - Popular Vote National Democratic Party of Germany Lost 0.04% (-33.39%)
09/01/2024 Thuringia State Parliament - Popular Vote National Democratic Party of Germany Lost 0.00% (-32.84%)
10/08/2023 Hesse Landtag - Popular Vote National Democratic Party of Germany Lost 0.00% (-34.63%)
02/12/2023 Berlin Abgeordnetenhaus - Popular Vote National Democratic Party of Germany Lost 0.10% (-28.11%)
09/26/2021 DEU Bundestag - 023 Hamburg-Bergedorf – Harburg Manfred Wilhelm Dammann Lost 0.13% (-39.19%)
09/26/2021 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Parliament - Party Control National Democratic Party of Germany Lost 0.00% (-43.04%)
09/26/2021 DEU Bundestag - Hamburg National Democratic Party of Germany Lost 0.06% (-29.61%)
09/26/2021 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Landtag - Popular Vote National Democratic Party of Germany Lost 0.76% (-38.19%)
09/26/2021 DEU Bundestag - Bayern National Democratic Party of Germany Lost 0.08% (-31.66%)
09/26/2021 DEU Bundestag - Popular Vote National Democratic Party of Germany Lost 0.14% (-25.61%)
09/26/2021 DEU Bundestag - Schleswig-Holstein National Democratic Party of Germany Lost 0.12% (-27.91%)
09/26/2021 Berlin Abgeordnetenhaus - Popular Vote National Democratic Party of Germany Lost 0.13% (-21.41%)
09/26/2021 DEU Bundestag - Sachsen National Democratic Party of Germany Lost 0.30% (-24.34%)
09/26/2021 DEU Bundestag - 018 Hamburg-Mitte Lennart Sebastian Stefan Schwarzbach Lost 0.08% (-33.16%)
09/26/2021 DEU Bundestag - Brandenburg National Democratic Party of Germany Lost 0.32% (-29.14%)
09/26/2021 DEU Bundestag - 021 Hamburg-Nord Ingo Stawitz Lost 0.05% (-30.67%)
09/26/2021 DEU Bundestag - 241 Ansbach Maik Langen Lost 0.23% (-38.15%)
09/26/2021 DEU Bundestag - 022 Hamburg-Wandsbek Helmut Saß Lost 0.12% (-38.53%)
06/06/2021 Saxony-Anhalt Parliament - Popular Vote National Democratic Party of Germany Lost 0.27% (-36.84%)
10/27/2019 Thuringia State Parliament - Party List Vote National Democratic Party of Germany Lost 0.55% (-30.47%)
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