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Last EditedBojicat - July 24, 2023 01:36pm
DescriptionElectoral platform of left-wing parties tentatively launched in March 2022 by Spain's Communist 2nd Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Labor Yolanda Diaz, and formalized as a political party on May 30, 2023 as the Sumar Movement (Movimiento Sumar) at Spain's Ministry of Interior. Platform was formalized with the intent of quickly assembling left-wing forces under one roof, using the platform as an 'instrument' to file candidates ahead of general elections scheduled to take place on July 23, 2023, and meet a June 9th deadline. Alliance concept was modelled on the Unidas Podemos brand organized by Pablo Iglesias. Work in earnest on a national platform began after elections held in Andalusia in June 19, 2022. Platform was finalized to fifteen formations on June 9, 2023 with the last-minute insertion of Podemos. The fifteen formations are Movimiento Sumar; Podemos; United Left (IU), which includes the PCE; Más Madrid and Más País; Compromís; Catalunya en Comú; Chunta Aragonesista, AraMés (Baleares) and its brands; Verdes-Equo; Drago Canarias; Batzarre (Navarra); Alianza Verde; Izquierda Asturiana and Iniciativa del Pueblo Andaluz.["Unite Movement"].

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08/22/2027 ESP Congress of Deputies - Popular Vote Sumar Movement ???
06/20/2024 Basque Country Lehendakari Alba García Martín Lost 1.33% (-50.67%)
06/09/2024 Spain EU Parliament - Party Standings Sumar Movement Lost 4.92% (-31.15%)
06/09/2024 Spain EU Parliament - Popular Vote Sumar Movement Lost 4.75% (-30.04%)
04/21/2024 Basque Parliament - Araba Sumar Movement Lost 3.66% (-25.49%)
04/21/2024 Basque Parliament - Party Standings Sumar Movement Lost 1.33% (-34.67%)
04/21/2024 Basque Parliament - Popular Vote Sumar Movement Lost 3.34% (-31.88%)
02/18/2024 Galicia Parliament - Party Standings Sumar Movement Lost 0.00% (-53.33%)
02/18/2024 Galicia Parliament - Popular Vote Sumar Movement Lost 1.93% (-45.46%)
02/18/2024 Galicia Regional President Marta Lois Lost 0.00% (-53.33%)
11/21/2023 Spain Minister of Health Mónica García Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
11/21/2023 Spain Minister of Social Rights, Consumption and Agenda 2030 Pablo Bustinduy Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
11/21/2023 Spain Second Vice President Yolanda Díaz Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
11/21/2023 Spain Minister of Labor and Social Economy Yolanda Díaz Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
11/21/2023 Spain Minister of Culture Ernest Urtasun Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
07/23/2023 ESP Congress of Deputies - Basque Country Sumar Movement Lost 11.10% (-14.17%)
07/23/2023 ESP Congress of Deputies - Lleida Sumar Movement Lost 7.88% (-21.58%)
07/23/2023 ESP Congress of Deputies - Teruel Sumar Movement Lost 5.41% (-29.70%)
07/23/2023 ESP Congress of Deputies - Madrid Sumar Movement Lost 15.46% (-25.09%)
07/23/2023 ESP Congress of Deputies - Gipuzkoa Sumar Movement Lost 10.59% (-20.67%)
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