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  Ed Clark - Mother Earth News
Parent(s) Candidate  -
ContributorThomas Walker 
Last EditedThomas Walker  Feb 27, 2004 04:56pm
News DateJul 00, 1980 12:00am
DescriptionED CLARK

As you may know, MOTHER hasn't endorsed political candidates in the past . . . and we're not doing so now. But there is one candidate for President in 1980Ed Clark, the Libertarian standardbearer-that you might not hear too much about. And that would be too bad, because Clark, like him or not, has some fresh and vital perspectives on the issues that confront our country.

Clark's political stance is grounded in a belief that "people, not government, know best how to solve . . . problems in an intelligent, benevolent, and voluntary manner". And Clark is just as brief in defining his party's goal as "liberty . . . meaning that we intend to use every chance we can to get government out of our pocketbooks, and out of our lives".

One specially interesting thing about Clark is that he's not afraid to follow his beliefs to their logical consequences. On energy, for example: Clark advocates an immediate end to all energy subsidies (including the hidden ones, such as the Price-Anderson liability limitation that helps support the nuclear industry), price controls, and allocation programs. Only when energy costs-as determined by a completely free market-accurately reflect scarcity, he says, will we start to come to terms with our real problems . . . and begin to find real solutions. On the draft: "Conscription-for military or civilian purposes-is nothing but shortterm slavery," claims Clark. "It is completely alien to the American tradition, it is a violation of individual rights, and it is tremendously costly." And on crime: "The first thing that we can do to control crime is to put top priority on stopping violent crime, and stop wasting time and money on vice squads, drug busts, and political spying."If only as an antidote to the usual political buncombe, we need candidates like Ed Clark.-PH.

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