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  Clark, Edward E. "Ed"
NameEdward E. "Ed" Clark
San Marino, California , United States
Born May 04, 1930
Died Still Living (94 years)
Contributor411 Name Removed
Last ModifedRBH
Oct 31, 2018 04:27pm
Tags Caucasian - Married - Navy - Straight -
InfoClark was the son of a Massachusetts judge. He graduated from Dartmouth in 1952, was a Navy gunnery officer during the Korean War, and graduated with a law degree from Harvard in 1957. He then joined a Wall Street law firm and specialized in antitrust law.

In 1970, Clark married Alicia Garcia Cobos, a textile executive born in Mexico. In June 1972, Clark attended the founding convention of the National Libertarian Party at the Radisson Hotel in Denver, Colorado. Was the founding Chair of the New York State Libertarian Party. Served as Vice Chair of the National Libertarian Party from 1972-1974. In 1974, the Clark's moved to Los Angeles where Clark headed Atlantic Richfield's legal department.

Ran for Governor of California in 1978.

Nominated for President of the United States at the 1979 Libertarian National Convention in Los Angeles. David Koch was nominated for Vice President.

The Clark/Koch campaign had the benefit of about $3 million from David Koch. The campaign made the ballot in 50 states, a first, and also bought national TV advertising, giving the party great exposure.

Appeared on all 50 state ballots and the Washington D C ballot for the 1980 Presidential election (the first third party candidate to ever qualify for all 51 ballots - Anderson later qualified for all 51 the same campaign).

Voters still remember the Libertarian they saw on their TV screens in
1980. The Libertarian Party was new, exciting, had little or no competition for the disenchanted voter and with the deep pockets of the Vice Presidential
candidate, Ed Clark's ads were seen by millions of Americans. Ed Clark made
Americans aware of the Libertarian Party for the first time. He image remains in the minds of many Americans who know nothing more about Libertarians.

In August 1980, urged John Anderson to withdraw from the race.

On September 22, 1980, appeared in an article in People Magazine.

His book, A New Beginning, chronicles his agenda for a Clark, or Libertarian administration. The forward to the book is written by former Senator Gene McCarthy, who originally supported Clark in the campaign, before switching over to Ronald Reagan late in the contest.

Three daily newspapers endorsed Clark's 1980 run.

Vernon L. Smith, Nobel Prize winning economist, voted for Clark in 1980. Smith says "The two presidential votes that I've felt the most comfortable about casting were for Norman Thomas in 1948 and [Libertarian Party candidate] Ed Clark in 1980."

Economist Murray N. Rothbard supported Clark in 1980.

Gale Norton was a Libertarian Party delegate in 1980. Norton supported Libertarian Party presidential candidate Ed Clark as a delegate to the party's convention in 1980. "Yes, I was an active Libertarian. But then I decided to go into practical politics," Norton said. (Denver Post, 2/13/94)

David Boaz was a supporter of and a veteran of Libertarian Ed Clark's presidential campaign when he joined the Cato Institutein 1980.

At Large Member of the Libertarian Party National Committee from 1983-1985.

Member of Harry Browne for President Campaign Committee in 1996.

In 1996 in Florida, a lawsuit was filed concerning the substitution of the names of the presidential and vice presidential candidates. The Libertarian Party was guaranteed of being on the ballot, but if the substitution were not allowed, Ed Clark, the party's stand-in candidate, would have been on the November ballot instead of Harry Browne.

In 1998, Clark endorsed David Bergland for Libertarian Party National Chair.

In 1998, served on the Libertarian Party Proposition 215 Blue Ribbon Committee to investigate allegations of "political persecution" and to develop an ongoing strategy for assisting Steve and Michele Kubby.

In 2000, won the THOMAS JEFFERSON AWARD - the Libertarian Party's highest honor, to the Libertarian Party member whose lifetime achievements merit the highest honors and that best exemplify outstanding leadership, character, and dedication to the goals of the Libertarian Party.

Supported Art Olivier for Governor of California in 2002.


DateFirmApproveDisapproveDon't Know

Title Purchase Contributor
A New Beginning  Purchase Thomas Walker 

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Sep 00, 2001 12:00am News Ed Clark's comments on 9-11.  Not Available Thomas Walker 
Dec 00, 1980 12:00am News Ed Clark for President  Article Thomas Walker 
Jul 00, 1980 12:00am News Ed Clark - Mother Earth News  Article Thomas Walker 
 00, 1980 12:00am News Ed Clark 1980 Presidential Campaign White Papers  Article Thomas Walker 

  05/06/2012 Libertarian Party Hall of Liberty Award Won 20.00% (+0.00%)
  12/15/1980 US President Lost 0.00% (-90.89%)
  11/04/1980 US President National Vote Lost 1.06% (-49.68%)
  11/04/1980 Jefferson - US President Lost 2.27% (-53.63%)
  11/04/1980 Dixville Notch NH US President Lost 4.35% (-69.57%)
  11/04/1980 GU US President Lost 0.81% (-56.22%)
  05/27/1980 ID US President - LBT Primary Won 69.29% (+38.58%)
  09/09/1979 US President - LBT Convention Won 64.49% (+30.04%)
  11/07/1978 CA Governor Lost 5.46% (-50.57%)
US President - LBT Convention - May 05, 2012 LBT Gary Johnson
LNC Chair - May 27, 2010 LBT Mark Hinkle
CA Governor - Nov 05, 2002 LBT Art Olivier
US President - LBT Convention - Jul 04, 1996 LBT Harry Browne
US President - LBT Convention - Sep 05, 1987 R Ron Paul
US President - LBT Convention - Sep 04, 1983 LBT David Bergland
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