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  Enhedslisten: revolution not far off
Parent(s) Party  -
ContributorZeus the Moose 
Last EditedZeus the Moose  Jul 28, 2012 07:35pm
News DateJul 16, 2012 08:00am
DescriptionIf there were to be an election today, at least 12 percent of Danes would vote for Enhedslisten, a political party that hopes to abolish the military and establish a classless society.

Enhedslisten’s radical socialist ideology is hardly a secret and in its party manifesto it calls for the dismantling of the EU and a strengthening of trade unions. But yesterday's announcement in Berlingske newspaper by one of its MPs, Per Clausen, that a revolution could happen in the next 20 years, has provoked warnings from its political opponents and allies alike.
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