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  Betsy Markey will vote for health-care reform bill
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Last EditedCOSDem  Mar 18, 2010 05:23pm
News DateMar 18, 2010 05:00pm
DescriptionRep. Betsy Markey will vote in favor of the health care reform bill this weekend, she told the Coloradoan today, a decision that significantly increases the likelihood of the bill passing and risks political peril for her.

"I have very closely taken a look at the compromise version, I read the (Congressional Budget Office) budget analysis today and I have decided that I am going to support this bill and vote for the bill," the Fort Collins Democrat said.

Her decision, not surprisingly, won praise from the White House.

“Throughout this process, Congresswoman Markey has consistently worked to improve this legislation and fought to ensure that health insurance reform legislation met tough standards of fiscal responsibility and deficit reductions," White House spokesman Adam Abrams said.

"Her tireless efforts have paid off as the plan before the House not only puts us back on the path toward fiscal sustainability, it reduces the deficit by more than $1 trillion over the next two decades while containing skyrocketing costs and putting American families and small businesses back in control of their health care,” Abrams said.
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