Affiliation | Democratic |
Name | Betsy Markey |
Address | P.O. 1333 Fort Collins, Colorado 80522-1333, United States |
Email | None |
Website | [Link] |
Born |
April 27, 1956 |
Died |
Still Living
(68 years) |
Contributor | Buddy |
Last Modifed | RP Jul 01, 2011 08:34pm |
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Info | Elizabeth Helen Markey
Since January 2005, Betsy Markey has served the people of the 4th Congressional District as U.S. Senator Ken Salazar’s Regional Director for the north central and high plains region of Colorado. Betsy was Senator Salazar’s eyes and ears for the region that comprises the overwhelming majority of the people and land in the 4th Congressional District. She oversaw all activities and issues in the region and worked closely with businesses, agricultural groups, elected leaders, non-profits and individual constituents to represent their interests.
Betsy Markey is co-founder of Syscom Services, Inc., an Internet consulting and web site development firm based in Silver Spring, Maryland. Syscom Services was started in 1986 as one of the first companies to market email. Betsy helped lead the firm to a #99 ranking in the Inc. 500 list of America’s fasted-growing private companies, with annual sales of over $7 million and an workforce of over 40 employees. Betsy managed Syscom’s financial, legal, governmental and human resources activities, while holding positions as CEO and CFO.
During the mid 1990’s Betsy was also the owner of Huckleberry’s, an extremely successful and popular coffee and ice cream shop in Old Town Fort Collins. She sold the business in 2001, at near double the purchase price. Her contributions enriched downtown Fort Collins and the building now stands as Old Town Fort Collins’ welcome center.
Betsy also has extensive government experience. In 1978, she was hired by U.S. Congressman Herb Harris (D-VA) to work as a legislative aide for the Subcommittee on Post Office and Civil Service, of the House Committee on Civil Service.
After completing a Master of Public Administration in 1983, Betsy was appointed a Presidential Management Fellow. The purpose of the two-year fellowship is to train outstanding men and women who have a clear interest in, and commitment to, excellence in the leadership and management of public policies and programs. Betsy earned coveted assignments in the Treasury Department as a budget and program analyst, a human resources specialist, and a staff assistant to the Deputy Commissioner of the Customs Service.
In 1984, the U.S. Department of State recruited Betsy to develop computer security policies for the newly-formed Office of Information Systems Security. This involved accessing the threats and vulnerabilities of the Department of State’s classified and unclassified computers, and crafting new computer security policies. Betsy held a top secret security clearance and traveled extensively overseas to U.S. embassies and consulates. Betsy received the State Department’s Meritorious Honor Award for creating the Department’s first computer security training program for management, security personnel and support staff around the world, including the development of films, training classes and briefings. She left the State Department after her second child was born having reached the GS14 level.
Betsy has been active as a volunteer in the community. She served as President of the Board of Directors of the Food Bank for Larimer County. She also chaired the Food Bank’s capital campaign which raised nearly a million dollars to expand the Food Bank facility and the services they provide. In her spare time she also volunteers in the Poudre R-1 School District.
In 2001 Betsy got involved in local politics for the first time and once again inspired success. She founded the Northern Colorado Democratic Business Coalition to encourage small business owners to voice their opinions. In 2002, she was elected to Chair the Larimer County Democratic Party, a position she held until January 2005. During her tenure the party grew exponentially and elected several Democrats to public office at the local, state and national level.
Betsy has been married to her husband Jim for 23 years. They have three children: Katie, 21, Erin, 19 and Al, 16. She enjoys spending time on her ranch in Northeastern Colorado, hiking, tennis, reading, traveling or any other excuse to spend time with Jim and the kids.
Betsy holds a BS in Political Science from the University of Florida and a Masters degree in Public Administration, with an emphasis on public finance, from American University.
Her honors and past professional affiliations include: Pi Alpha Alpha (the National Honor Society for Public Administrators), National Association of Female Executives, National Association of Women Business Owners, International Network for Women in Enterprise and Trade, Who’s Who in American Women, 1988, Who’s Who in Executives, 1996/97, and the Colorado Institute for Leadership Training, class of 2002.
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