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  For Obama, the world doesn't revolve around Israel
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Last EditedJason  Nov 23, 2009 03:31am
News DateNov 23, 2009 09:10am
Description One needed to hear Bruce Riedel last week to understand once again that Israel is not the center of the universe. Riedel, who spoke at the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University, said that the most important subject on the foreign affairs agenda of President Barack Obama's administration is the situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Riedel formerly served in the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's Tel Aviv station and later was a analyst in the agency's research directorate and a member of U.S. president Bill Clinton's National Security Council.

According to Riedel, in the coming weeks Obama will make a decision about a strategy that could decide his fate and determine whether he will win a second term in office.
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