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  Israel military court interns Hamas ministers for six months
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Last EditedPenguin  Jun 04, 2007 08:18pm
News DateJun 04, 2007 08:00pm
DescriptionBETHLEHEM, West Bank (AFP) - An Israeli military court ordered Monday that two Palestinian ministers and a member of parliament from Islamist movement Hamas be held without charge for six months, their lawyers said.

The court in Jalameh prison near the northern city of Haifa placed education minister Nasseredin al-Shaer, minister of state Wasfi Qabha and MP Abdelrahman Zeidan in administrative detention for six months, the lawyers said.

An army spokeswoman confirmed the detention orders against the three politicians, whose arrests last month drew rare criticism from Israel's key ally, the United States.

She said the three detained politicians posed a "clear and present danger to the region and its inhabitants" but declined to elaborate on the allegations against them.
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