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  How tax law saved Perdue $100,000
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Last EditedRP  Sep 13, 2006 03:37pm
News DateAug 31, 2006 03:35pm
DescriptionThe evidence is conclusive: In 2005, Georgia legislators quietly smuggled language into an otherwise routine tax bill that gave one particular Georgia taxpayer a special tax deferral worth more than $100,000.

The taxpayer in question was Gov. Sonny Perdue, the man who signed the bill into law on April 12, 2005, and shortly thereafter signed his state tax return taking advantage of that special legislation.

That chain of events represents a serious abuse of public power for private gain, and the victims of that abuse were Georgia taxpayers. If Perdue manages to escape serious political consequences, it will be because the scandal --- like many involving taxes and property transactions --- can be a little complex to follow.
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