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  Salinger, Pierre
NamePierre Salinger
San Francisco, California , United States
Born June 14, 1925
Died October 16, 2004 (79 years)
ContributorKarma Policeman
Last ModifedChronicler
Jun 14, 2024 05:54am
InfoSALINGER, Pierre Emil George, a Senator from California; born in San Francisco, Calif., June 14, 1925; attended San Francisco State College 1942-1943; graduated from the University of San Francisco 1947; employed on the editorial staff of the San Francisco Chronicle 1942-1943, resigned to enlist in the United States Navy; commanded a subchaser in the Pacific Theater of Operations during the Second World War and was honorably discharged with the rank of lieutenant (jg) in 1946; returned to the editorial staff of the San Francisco Chronicle 1946-1955; lecturer in journalism at Mills College, Oakland, Calif., 1951-1955; west coast editor and contributing editor of Collier's Magazine 1955-1956; investigator, Senate Select Committee To Investigate Improper Activities in Labor-Management Relations 1957-1959

Joined the staff of Senator John F. Kennedy in 1959 and served as his press officer in the 1960 presidential campaign

Press secretary to Presidents Kennedy and Johnson 1961 to 1964; resigned to run for the United States Senate

US Senate (D-CA) 1964; appointed on August 4, 1964, as a Democrat to the United States Senate to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Clair Engle and served from August 4, 1964, until his resignation on December 31, 1964; was an unsuccessful candidate in 1964 for election to the full term

Corporate executive; a correspondent for the French news magazine, L'Express; bureau chief, ABC News, Paris, France; chief foreign correspondent and senior editor, ABC News, London, England; died of a heart attack on October 16, 2004; interment in Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.


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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Oct 17, 2004 12:00am Obituary Pierre Salinger, JFK Aide, Dies at 79  Article Karma Policeman 

  11/03/1964 CA US Senate Lost 48.46% (-3.08%)
  08/03/1964 CA US Senate - Appointment Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  06/02/1964 CA US Senate - D Primary Won 44.26% (+5.25%)
  01/20/1961 White House Press Secretary Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
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