Affiliation | Democratic |
Name | Sara Lampe |
Address | 702 E. Stanford St. Springfield, Missouri 65807, United States |
Email | None |
Website | None |
Born |
January 05, 1949 |
Died |
Still Living
(76 years) |
Contributor | Wishful Thinking |
Last Modifed | RBH Feb 28, 2012 11:42am |
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Info | Rep. Sara Lampe, a Democrat, represents part of Greene County (District 138) in the Missouri House of Representatives. Elected to the House in 2004, Rep. Lampe is an Educational Consultant and Adjunct Professor in the Graduate Education Program at Drury University. She has taught in Missouri Public Schools since 1971, including 19 years as principal of the Phelps Center for the Gifted.
Rep. Lampe is a member of the Business & Professional Women’s Club, Gifted Association of Missouri, National Association for Gifted Children, Parents & Advocates of Gifted Children and the American Association University Women. She is also a member of the NAACP and is a member of the Faculty of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development in Alexandria, Virginia. She attends the South Street Christian Church in Springfield.
A 1967 graduate of Cassville High School in Cassville, Missouri, Rep. Lampe received a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education from Southwest Missouri State University in 1971. She also received a Masters degree in Elementary Administration from Southwest Missouri State University in 1976.
Born on January 5, 1949, in Cassville, Missouri, Rep. Lampe lives in Springfield. She has three children: Thomas, William and Michael.
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