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  DeVos, Betsy
NameBetsy DeVos
, Michigan , United States
Born January 08, 1958
Died Still Living (67 years)
Last ModifedIndyGeorgia
Nov 30, 2017 07:15pm
InfoActive in Republican politics since serving as a �scatterblitzer� for president Gerald R. Ford in 1976, Betsy DeVos was elected to a two-year term as Chairman of the Michigan Republican State Committee (MRSC) at the MRSC convention on January 25, 2003. She previously served as Chairman of the Michigan Republican State Committee, from May 1996 to February 2000.

In 2001, she founded the Great Lakes Education Project, a political action committee (GLEP), and served as its chairman prior to her election of the MRSC post. Betsy served as the National Finance Chairman for the National Republican Senatorial Committee in 2000. She also participated in the 2000 Republican National Convention in Philadelphia as a Delegate from Michigan's Third District and had previously been a delegate to the 1988, 1992 and 1996 conventions. She was Republican National Committeewoman for Michigan 1992-1997, has served in many other party offices, and has worked on numerous other national, state and local campaigns.

In the private sector, Betsy DeVos is Chairman of The Windquest Group, a privately held company founded in 1989. Betsy is also very active in the community and currently serves on a number of national and local boards including the American Education Reform Council, Michigan Chamber of Commerce, Kids Hope USA, The Acton Institute, Compass Arts, Children First America and the Education Freedom Fund, a Michigan foundation that provides scholarships for low-income children to attend schools of their choice.

A graduate of Holland Christian High School, Betsy received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration/Political Science from Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Betsy and her husband, Dick, have four children, aged 20 to 11. They enjoy travel, boating and skiing together as a family.

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Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Oct 08, 2019 08:30am Legal Ruling Judge Threatens Betsy DeVos With Jail In Student Loan Case  Article RP 
Jul 25, 2018 07:50am News DeVos' $40 million yacht vandalized at Huron dock   Article RP 

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