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  Deepnarain, Niel
AffiliationScottish Family   
NameNiel Deepnarain
, Scotland , United Kingdom
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2024 years)
Last ModifedRP
Jul 04, 2024 09:27pm
InfoIt's an honour to stand for Edinburgh North and Leith in these General Elections, i want to represent your views.

I will work hard to earn the trust of people, creating positive relationships. I will act on what i say. Together we can forge a better community and make Edinburgh North and Leith an even more wonderful place to live.

Issues i would fight for - more active policing for safer streets. Good education for all. Look at ways to deal with the local housing issues. Ways to help with the cost of living crisis. The Council needs to step in and help with the alcohol and drug abuse i will work hard on this - will work along side community centres. We need to attract more investment into businesses. Let's resource youth centres properly to help with well-being and life skills, get new ones started. Let's get creative in converting abandoned buildings and railways into great facilities that meet local needs. The roads are a mess in Edinburgh and it's time to get this sorted and make it safe for all. We need a crackdown on dog fouling. We need an end to overflowing street bins and let's make a difference for those unable to work and who are out of work.

There is so much to get done and i know i can make that difference for us. We need each other and we need to stand together for the good of our city and nation. I don't just talk i will work and make that difference.

I find it a privilege and honour to be part of the Scottish Family Party as we are standing for truth, we keep to our promises and really want to see a change for people and the good of our Scotland.

We will always stand for the core principles of promoting our policies as the best foundation for a stable nation.


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  07/04/2024 UK Parliament - Edinburgh North & Leith Lost 0.42% (-41.63%)
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