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  Scharer, Gene
NameGene Scharer
Address655 W 221 Dr
Buckeye, Arizona , United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
Last ModifedRBH
Jan 11, 2018 05:10pm
InfoI was born and raised in Michigan and made Arizona my home in 1986.

After graduating from the University of Michigan with a B.A. in social studies, I began a humble and honorable career as a teacher in 1969. I couldn’t know then that a day would ever come when I would run for U.S. Congress.

Life was different then in those times, when I started teaching. Being a middle class American was a great experience. An average American led a prosperous life and didn’t worry about jobs moving to China or India. Most people cared about ensuring kids would have a rich future, rather than spending their time protecting the rich from taxes. In those days working to help your community, for example being a teacher, was considered an important career.

I was drafted by the U.S. Army in 1971 and served as an artilleryman. I served the United States military with honor and never tried to disregard my duty to my country.

I have 22 years of experience as a high school teacher and 13 years as a truck driver. I understand what it’s like to be a red blooded, everyday American trying to scratch an existence out of everyday life.

I also owned and operated a packing and shipping business and a well drilling business along the way, so I also know the difficulties small businesses have making a profit, struggling against the “big guys".

I inherited an interest in politics from my parents. My father was a Washington lobbyist in the old days, before every lobbyist strived to rake in millions. My mother was a congressional aide. When I ran for Congress in 2000 I was the Democratic nominee, I received almost 95,000 votes and gained valuable experience.

I am a determined person so I tried again in 2004 and 2006. I am not a quitter, and I have what it takes to succeed. Most importantly, I have something to offer my constituents: A deeply held belief in democracy.

While I respect the service of my running mate, what he has given Arizona and our country; I believe he has come to represent only corporate interest, not the community.

I will represent the needs and concerns of average working class families as well as businesses. My views, created from years of teaching, in service to my country and my work in business have given me an accurate account of the struggles that every day Americans must overcome to survive. My life experiences as a blue-collar worker, businessman, military veteran, parent and grandparent uniquely qualify me to represent the working class people and seniors in District 8

My wife Vickie and I have lived in the district for twenty-five years. I have two adult children and four grandchildren all living in the west valley.

Fortunately, for you, I do not have multinational corporate interest backing me. You won’t see ads espousing my superiority, my greatness and how splendid I am as a candidate. That’s because I only look toward your interest.

Thus your single vote is paramount to our success.

I hope you will give me the honor of being your representative in Washington, to give you a voice and to give the middle class a positive future in America.


DateFirmApproveDisapproveDon't Know

Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  11/06/2012 AZ - District 08 Lost 35.06% (-28.29%)
  08/28/2012 AZ District 8 - D Primary Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  09/12/2006 AZ - District 02 - D Primary Lost 34.33% (-12.41%)
  09/07/2004 AZ - District 02 - D Primary Lost 24.12% (-28.56%)
  09/10/2002 AZ District 2 - D Primary Lost 0.14% (-32.87%)
  11/07/2000 AZ District 3 Lost 31.35% (-34.34%)
  09/12/2000 AZ - District 03 - D Primary Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
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