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  Potyondy, Melanie
NameMelanie Potyondy
Address2813 Michener Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado , United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
Last ModifedBrentinCO
Apr 06, 2021 06:47pm
InfoI grew up in Grand Junction, but have been a Front Range gal since starting college at CSU in 1998. I also hold a graduate degree in school psychology from the University of Northern Colorado and have practiced in the public schools for the last 15 years. I currently live in Fort Collins with my husband, two young sons, and two cats. In my free time, I enjoy playing music, crossword puzzling, DIY, and taking advantage of our community's exceptional restaurants, outdoor spaces, trail system, and downtown shopping.

I pride myself on being a helper and a doer. In addition to being a public educator and mental health provider for many years, I am an avid volunteer at the local and state level. I am active in the Poudre Education Association, am the northern regional representative for the Colorado Society of School Psychologists, served on a city commission, and am a member of the Colorado Education Association's Mental Health Advisory Committee. On a more micro scale, I have worked hard to make my neighborhood in west Fort Collins a better place for my family and community, spearheading a project to replace damaged signage, building and maintaining a Little Free Library, and going on "garbage walks" in my free time (I own my own trash grabbers!). I was selected by the Fort Collins City Council to fill the vacant District 4 seat in January of 2021, and I look forward to serving this great community for years to come.


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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  11/07/2023 Fort Collins CO Council - District 4 Won 54.90% (+9.81%)
  04/06/2021 Fort Collins CO Council - District 4 Lost 29.79% (-0.58%)
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