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  Greenlaw, Bill
NameBill Greenlaw
AddressLake Mohawk
Sparta Township, New Jersey , United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
Last ModifedWSNJ
Oct 11, 2020 10:14am
InfoBill Attended high school in nearby Roxbury township. He has a Chemical Engineering degree from Clarkson University whose motto is “A workman that needeth not be ashamed.” He has worked in the chemical, pharmaceutical, and food industries. While living in several different areas across the country since high school, he returned to the area in 2000 and has been a regular visitor to Sparta for the last twenty years. After raising his three children as a single parent from the time his oldest was in second grade and being the sole caregiver for his parents in their later years he moved to Sparta in 2013. Since then he was elected to the Lake Mohawk Country Club Board of Trustees and served as president for that community for two years. Bill is passionate about building community. He says: “Society has changed tremendously in my lifetime. Most people are looking for that community feel, where you have walkable neighborhoods with local shops and restaurants. Development needs to enhance the community feeling, which increases property values and enhances the lives of residents. We need to balance sensible development with environmental responsibility.”
Honesty. Integrity, and Transparency: Bill believes these are the core values of good representatives. He has shown that he has lived those values during his time as a School Director and Board President at Delaware Valley School District in Milford, PA and as a Trustee, and as president of the Lake Mohawk Country Club (a community of 2,700 individual properties that lies mostly in Sparta). Bill is proud of his efforts to increase the amount of information that is readily accessible through websites and has encouraged setting up social media sites for these organizations as a way to facilitate the ability of citizens to ask questions and find answers. Bill advocates for continuous improvement of community engagement. A recent example is the 2019 decision where LMCC Members voted to re-acquire the Lake Mohawk Pool. All the information about the condition of the property and the results of all inspections were made available to the community. Several on-line and in-person meetings were held to present the information and provide voters with all the information needed to make an informed decision. The board did not make a recommendation and trusted the voters to decide what was best for the community. Due to Bill’s passion for environmental responsibility Bill serves on the Lake Committee of the LMCC organization as a commitment to manage our environmental resources responsibly. Bill believes that “the most important job in a democracy is that of a citizen” and continuously works to improve citizens ability to do their job well.

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