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  Fisk, Clinton B.
NameClinton B. Fisk
Seabright, New Jersey , United States
Born December 08, 1828
Died July 09, 1890 (62 years)
ContributorThomas Walker
Last ModifedJuan Croniqueur
Feb 03, 2025 05:23am
Tags Army -
InfoClinton Bowen Fisk, industrialist, temperance leader, and founder of Fisk University.

Fisk was born in Griggsville, Livingston County, NY, on 12/8/1828. He was the sixth son of Benjamin and Lydia Fisk and was named for DeWitt Clinton. When very young, his parents moved to Lenawee County, Michigan, where Fisk grew up. His father, a blacksmith, died there of typhoid fever in 1832, and soon thereafter the family lost all their possessions. His mother remarried, and his step-father sent him to Albion Seminary.

Merchant and banker in Coldwater MI until 1857. Married Geanette Crippins in 1848. Served as the Western financial agent for Aetna Insurance Company, St. Louis MO, 1857-1861.

Served in the U.S. Army during the Civil War. Enlisted as a private in 1861; became Colonel of the 33d Missouri Volunteers later in the year. Commissioned a Brigadier General in 1862; served with Grant at the Battle of Vicksburg. Later became the commander of the District of St. Louis, during which time he repulsed an attack on Jefferson City by Sterling Price. In 1865, he was commissioned a Brevet Major General.

Assistant Commissioner under Gen. Howard to organize the Freedmen’s Bureau in Nashville TN. In 1867, he founded Fisk University to provide educational opportunities to black youth.

Vice President and Treasurer, Missouri Pacific Railroad and Atlantic and Pacific Railway Company, 1866-1876.

Engaged in banking and mining concerns 1876-1890; President of the New York Accident Insurance Company. President of the Board of Trustees, Drew Theological Seminary, Dickinson College. Trustee, American Missionary Association.

Summer house, “Remsen Hill,” in Seabright NJ was one of the finest houses in the area.

Though his father was a Democrat, Fisk joined the Republican Party in 1854 and remained with it until 1884. He left the Republican Party when the Republican National Convention in 1884 did not endorse a prohibition plank. Canvassed the country with John P. St. John, candidate for President on the Prohibition Party ticket, 1884.

Candidate for Governor (Prb-NJ), 1886; his 19,808 votes was the most ever given to a Prohibition candidate for NJ Governor.

Candidate for President (Prb), 1888. His 249,819 votes nearly doubled the party’s vote in 1884 and was only surpassed by three later Prohibition nominees for President.

Fisk contracted “fatty degeneration of the heart” in the fall of 1889, which was later complicated by influenza, and suffered from the diseases until his death. He was mostly confined to his home at 175 W. 58th Street, New York City, in his last months. He died on 7/9/1890 and was buried in the Oak Grove Cemetery, Coldwater MI.

New York Times 7/10, 14/1890


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Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  01/14/1889 US President Lost 0.00% (-58.10%)
  11/06/1888 US President National Vote Lost 2.19% (-46.42%)
  05/31/1888 US President PRB Convention Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/02/1886 NJ Governor Lost 8.55% (-38.89%)
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