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  Lalonde, Francine
AffiliationBloc Québécois   
NameFrancine Lalonde
Montréal, Québec , Canada
Born August 24, 1940
Died January 17, 2014 (74 years)
ContributorUser 13
Last ModifedJuan Croniqueur
Apr 03, 2023 12:01am
InfoProfession: Trade unionist

Children: Dominique, Julien, Philippe

Career Background: Latin and History teacher, Couvent Hochelaga et é la CECM (1960-1964) History teacher, Collège Basile-Moreau (Cégep St-Laurent) (1964-1968). Information Director and President, Secteur cégep de la CSN (1969-1970). Professor at the University of Montreal, at the University of Quebec in Montreal, at the Unviersity of Quebec in Chicoutimi and l'École des hautes études commerciales (1986-1993). Coordinator, Société coopérative de produits électriques et de moteurs (1984). Coordinator, Comité de coordination des Fédérations du secteur privé la CSN (1980-1983). President, Fédération nationale des enseignantes et enseignants du Québec (1970-1976 et 1979-1980). First Vice-President of the CSN (1976-1978)

Electoral History
Party: Program adviser to the PQ (1991-1993); Member, National Executive of the Parti Québéecois (1988-1991); Candidate for the PQ Presidency (1985) Provincial: Defeated for the PQ in St.-Henri in 1985 and 1989
Federal: Elected in Mercier in 1993, 1997, 2000

Political History
Cabinet: Quebec: Jan.-June 1985 - Minister Responsible for Status of Women
Committee: 1993-97 - Vice-Chair, Human Resources Development. Former Member: Industry. Member: Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Caucus: Caucus: Former critic for: Human Resources Development; Industry, Employment and Economic Development; Literacy Critic for Foreign Affairs since 1999

DateFirmApproveDisapproveDon't Know

Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  10/14/2008 QC Parliament - La Pointe-de-l'Île Won 56.11% (+40.15%)
  01/23/2006 QC Parliament - La Pointe-de-l'Île Won 60.46% (+45.22%)
  06/28/2004 QC Parliament - La Pointe-de-l'Ile Won 66.47% (+43.55%)
  11/27/2000 QC Parliament - Mercier Won 52.87% (+19.95%)
  06/02/1997 QC Parliament - Mercier Won 50.49% (+20.58%)
  03/15/1997 BQ Leadership Election Lost 5.07% (-43.41%)
  01/14/1996 BQ Leadership Election Lost 32.90% (-34.19%)
  10/25/1993 QC Parliament - Mercier Won 58.89% (+38.83%)
  09/29/1985 Parti Québécois Leader Lost 1.52% (-56.93%)
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