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  LeFevre, Angela
NameAngela LeFevre
Address410 Oak Creek Boulevard
Sedona, Arizona , United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
Last ModifedRBH
Oct 12, 2012 10:11pm
InfoYou probably want to know who I am and why I’m running for a seat in the Arizona House of Representatives. I’m a broad-minded Democrat who’s been involved in politics all my life.

The main reasons I’m running are that, like many of you, I love America, and I love my home state of Arizona. I also see areas where we can do better as a state, so we can raise our heads higher, be prouder of our state. I will work with you to restore Arizona’s reputation! Together we have a rich heritage built by courageous pioneers, so let’s pioneer some modern frontiers with innovative strategies for economic growth, education superiority, and healthcare security.

My father was a huge inspiration. As a scientist, he drove me by word and example to question everything and to work harder and smarter than those around me. My mother was a different kind of inspiration. She was driven to help others, belonging to many charities, visiting shut-ins and delivering Meals on Wheels. I carry the best of both of them with me—excellence and service.

I earned a degree in Economics and International Relations from the prestigious London School of Economics and Political Science. I have worked behind the scenes helping other candidates achieve success and contributed on political issues I’m passionate about. I’ve worked as a teacher, in senior management in a Fortune 500 company and started my own small business. I’ve worked at not-for-profits and mentored at-risk teens. My experience is broad.

One of the political efforts I most enjoyed occurred just after I moved to the United States in 1981. I was a substitute teacher in New Orleans, starting my business and raising two children. Besides all that, I helped stop Former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan David Duke from being elected governor of Louisiana!

In Denver in the ’90s, I had several occasions to work with Colorado Representative Diana DeGette, well-known for introducing landmark legislation and who is now in the U.S. House of Representatives working on, among others, energy, health care and food safety issues.

In Arizona, I joined the Arizona Saves and Kids Saves programs. I also worked with Catholic Charities for several years and as a Supervisor in the Yavapai County Junior Probation program in Cottonwood.

I’ve been on the board of Democrats of the Red Rocks (DORR) and president for last three years, until resigning to run for the state legislature. I’ve also served Friends of the Forest, Keep Sedona Beautiful, on the board of the local chapter of The Sierra Club, and currently serve on the Citizens’ Steering Committee for the Sedona Community Plan. I’ve learned to work effectively across party lines. I’m diligent about making the world a better place, not only for us as individuals, but for our whole society.

I’m proud both of my children went to public schools. My daughter, Danielle, 35, just graduated from a four-year residency in the neurology department of the University of Colorado. She’s been offered a Fellowship to remain there. Her husband, a former public defender, now shares a law practice with his father. They have a four-year old son named Liam.

My son, Michael, 34, is Director of Admissions for Westwood College, a distance learning program. His wife, Lucia, is a social worker with a Masters Degree. They have a four-year old named Diego, and a one-year old named Roman. I am proud of all of them and adore my grandchildren!

My husband is Paul LeFevre of the famous LeFever (yes, they spell it differently) gunsmithing family. After we took retirement in 2005, Paul and I moved to Sedona.

My hobbies are tennis, hiking and running, so you know I’m energetic enough to represent you tirelessly. Vote for Angela for Arizona, LeFevre for Legislature.


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  11/06/2012 AZ State House 06 Lost 23.52% (-4.13%)
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