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  Chabane, Collins
AffiliationAfrican National Congress   
NameCollins Chabane
, , South Africa
Born April 15, 1960
Died March 15, 2015 (54 years)
Last ModifedIndyGeorgia
Mar 15, 2015 03:56pm
InfoCurrent Positions

Mr Chabane is the Minister of Public Service and Administration of the Republic of South Africa from 26 May 2014.

He has been a member of Parliament since 06 May 2009 and a member of African National Congress (ANC) National Executive Committee (NEC) from December 2007 and member of ANC National Working Committee (NWC)

He also serves as a member of National Deployment Committee; member of Economic Transformation Sub-Committee; member of Social Transformation Sub Committee; member of International Relations Sub-Committee and member of National Disciplinary Sub-Committee.

Mr Chabane also serves as Chairperson of Constitutional Affairs Sub-Committee; Convenor of ANC NEC; and Convenor of Transitional Task Team.

Academic Qualifications

He holds a Diploma in Leadership and Management from University of Limpopo Graduate School of Leadership and a
Diploma in Management from Arusha in Tanzania.

Career/Positions/Memberships/Other Activities

Mr Chabane joined the African National Congress (ANC) underground activities at early age of seventeen (17) and went into exile in May 1980 and later he was arrested and served a term in Robben Island from 1984 to 1990.

He has served as a Provincial Secretary of the ANC in the Northern Province from 1990 to 1998 and he was instrumental in the re-establishment of ANC structures in Limpopo Province. He has also served as a member of the Executive Council (MEC) for Public Works in the Limpopo Provincial Government in 1998 and as a member of the Provincial Legislature in the Limpopo Provincial Legislature in 1997.

He has also served as MEC for Economic Development, Environment and Tourism in Limpopo and during his tenure in the department he embarked on an international awareness programme on economic opportunities in trade and investment in tourism, agribusiness sector, with special emphasis on doing business with SADC countries and Africa broadly, as well as international business communities.

He signed a number of service level agreements with CPI in Mozambique, SIPA in Swaziland, Bedia in Botswana, SOF in Switzerland, SANC for the South African Netherlands Chamber of Business, JETRO in Japan and with IJM in Malaysia. He also signed a Tourism cooperation with Botwana, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

He negotiated to sign Service Level Agreements with Lesotho, Namibia and Zimbabwe; and he helped establish a 15 million joint venture water purification project.

Mr Chabane has served a member of the Executive Council in the Premier's Office in Limpopo Provincial Government between 1997 and 1998.

He is a former Chancellor of Mbulaheni Ramaano Training College and has served as member of Parliament of the National Assembly from 1994 to 1997 and during the period he served as a member of the Constitutional and Management Commmittees in the Constitutional Assembly; member of Provincial Working Committee and Chaiperson of the Provincial Disciplinary Committee and the Political Committee and Political education .

He was a member of Provincial Constitutional Committee;
member of Provincial ETC; member of the Rules Committee, the Legislature Board and the Internal Arrangement Committee and Leader of government Business in the Legislature. He established the road Agency, which was the first institute of its kind in South Africa; which fast tracked the upgrading of roads in the province.

Mr Chabane established "Gungu Lashu" a labour intensive road construction programme a nucleus of the current EPWP programme. The department under his leadership won best Service Awards, Platinum, Silver and Gold. He was the Minister in the Presidency; responsible for Performance Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the Presidency from 11 May 2009 till 25 May 2014.


DateFirmApproveDisapproveDon't Know

Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Mar 15, 2015 03:55pm News SA cabinet minister Collins Chabane killed in car crash  Article IndyGeorgia 

  05/25/2014 SA Minister of Public Service & Administration Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  05/07/2014 SA MP - ANC National List Won 1.13% (-0.05%)
  12/20/2012 ANC National Executive Committee Won 1.64% (-0.21%)
  04/22/2009 SA MP - ANC National List Won 1.19% (-0.33%)
  12/20/2007 ANC National Executive Committee Won 1.40% (-0.55%)
  12/20/2002 ANC National Executive Committee Won 0.05% (-3.17%)
  12/20/1997 ANC National Executive Committee Won 0.97% (-1.33%)
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