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  Sacha, Blake A.
NameBlake A. Sacha
Address3514 S 159th St
Gilbert, Arizona , United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
ContributorThomas Walker
Last ModifedRBH
Jun 03, 2018 11:04pm
InfoDear Neighbor:
I am excited to be a candidate for Gilbert Public School Governing Board.

I am passionate about education and educational excellence in the Gilbert Public Schools. I have lived in the Gilbert school district for more than 18 years. My children have both attended Gilbert Public Schools since kindergarten and are currently in 7th and 10th grade.

I work as an executive in the electronics industry in the E. Valley. I have extensive experience in areas of Long Range and Strategic Planning, Hiring and Staffing, People Management, Budgeting and Instruction. I have a BS in Chemical Engineering from the University of Cincinnati. I have managed large budgets and understand the hard choices required to balance a multi-million dollar budget, and I am prepared to make these choices for our school district. I am a certified Lean Six Sigma expert and will put my resources to work to improve the efficiency of the school district.

I have been an active participant in the Gilbert Public Schools. My wife and I have been PTSO members at the Elementary, Junior High and High School levels. I have been an instructor and chaperone for many school activities including Science Camp and Oceanography. In 2007, I was able to work directly with the GUSD governing board and Superintendent as part of establishing the boundaries for Quartz Hill elementary school. I spoke at board meetings, coordinated volunteers and worked directly with the consultant hired by the board to facilitate parent meetings. As a result of my involvement, we got the best decision for the community.

I have been actively involved with improving education in the state of Arizona. I have been a Board member of the non-profit group, Communities in Schools of Arizona (CISA) for five years. Through CISA, I have been able to reduce the drop-out rate and support many At-Risk schools in the Phoenix area. I am also the President of the Gilbert Education Foundation and actively support the group’s work to uti lize private funding to fill the needs of GPS students, teachers and families beyond what the district can provide. I also serve on the Children’s Council at Dayspring United Methodist Church.

I believe in the importance of education in preparing our students for their future. I am directly familiar with employers’ expectations of potential hires, and I want to make certain that our children are equipped with the tools needed to be productive citizens for our community, nation, and our world. I also support a continued strong focus on music, dance, theatre, and other elective courses that provide a broad educational background for our youth.

I believe strongly in the importance of excellent communication. If elected, I will work to dramatically improve the communication between both the School District and School Board and the community.

I respectfully ask for your support in ensuring a positive future for the Gilbert Public School System. Please vote Blake A. Sacha for GPS School Governing Board.

Blake A. Sacha


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Date Category Headline Article Contributor

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