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  Okdie, Mohamed
NameMohamed Okdie
Detroit, Michigan , United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
Last ModifedRBH
Jun 29, 2010 10:58am
InfoMohamed Okdie was born in the City of Detroit to immigrant parents in 1949. He graduated from high school in 1968, served in the United States Air Force during the Viet Nam era, and was honorably discharged in 1970. He then went on to earn an Associate of Arts in Psychology from the Detroit Institute of Technology, a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology, and a Master of Social Work with a specialization in Community Organization and Administration from Wayne State University (WSU). After completion of the Masters program at WSU, he completed the qualifications for and became a Michigan licensed Social Worker, Family and Marriage Counselor, a certified School Social Worker, and was a candidate for a Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Sociology at Wayne State University.

Mr. Okdie met his wife, Estella, in 1994 and he has two children, Demetrius and Amanda, who just graduated from High School. He is also the proud grandfather of Dayton, who just turned 4 years old. In his spare time, he enjoys keeping abreast of contemporary issues, cooking a wide variety of ethnic foods and traveling - He's been around the world twice now, and has visited more than 50 different countries!

He is currently retired from the Detroit Public Schools and has served for over twenty one years as a School Social Worker, where he was responsible for working with community organizations and professionals to resolve issues that impact the local schools and students. Prior to assuming that position, Commissioner Okdie was a Psychiatric Social Worker at Detroit Receiving Hospital, and was a Community Liaison for Congressman John Conyers at his Congressional District Office in Detroit.

In addition to his experience with the Detroit Public Schools, Mr. Okdie has obtained a wealth of experience from serving on numerous community, labor, professional, and politically-based boards and organizations. His associations include:

* Vice Chair of the Michigan Task Force on Children's Justice;
* Board Member of the Southwest Detroit Community Mental Health Agency;
* Board Member of New Detroit, Inc.;
* Chair, and Committee Chair of the Detroit-Wayne County Community Mental Health Agency;
* District Vice-Chair and Corresponding Secretary of the Michigan Democratic Party;
* Delegate to the State Central Committee of the Michigan Democratic Party; twenty years as an elected Precinct Delegate;
* Founding Member of the Michigan Arab-American Democratic Club;
* Vice-president of the Michigan Federation of Teachers;
* Trustee for the Detroit Federation of Teachers;
* Delegate for the Metro Detroit AFL-CIO Labor Council;
* Member of the Wayne State University School of Social Work Board of Visitors;
* Member of the Human and Women Rights Committee of the American Federation of Teachers (National);
* Dinner Marshall for the NAACP Fight for Freedom Fund Dinner for 17 years.

In August 2005 he was appointed by Mayor Kilpatrick to the Detroit Board of Police Commissioners. Commissioner Okdie currently serves on the Citizens Complaints, Disciplinary Appeals, Labor Relations, and Personnel Subcommittees. Commissioner Okdie also served as the Vice Chairman of the Commission.

In November of 2007 Mohamed was appointed to the Board of Regents at Eastern Michigan University by Governor Jennifer Granholm in to replace Ismael Ahmed, who resigned to lead the Michigan Department of Human Services. He was then reappointed by Governor Granholm in January 2009 to a term that expires on December 31, 2016.

Mr. Okdie also has affiliations with the National Association of Social Workers; the American Psychotherapy Association; the Michigan Democratic Party; the Michigan Arab-American Democratic Club; the Arab-American Institute; the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee; the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP); and the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services.


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Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  08/03/2010 MI State Senate 03 - D Primary Lost 14.84% (-30.07%)
  11/03/2009 Detroit City Council Lost 3.49% (-5.93%)
  08/04/2009 Detroit City Council - Primary Won 1.38% (-7.37%)
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