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  Tate, James
NameJames Tate
Detroit, Michigan , United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
Last ModifedRBH
Aug 05, 2009 12:31am
InfoJames Edward Tate, Jr. is a gifted leader who is sensitive to the needs of people. Born and raised in Detroit, and nurtured in the loving care of his parents, he knows and represents the fabric of Detroit and its citizens. Realizing education was his passage for shaping the kind of life he envisioned, he attended Wayne State University while serving as an intern with WXYZ's Channel 7 Action News. He then earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication with concentrations in Radio and Television. This accomplishment served as the foundation for his extensive career in media, public and community relations, and communications.

Upon graduating from Wayne State, he earned a promotion and began his new role as a Production Assistant with Channel 7. Shortly thereafter, Mr. Tate was promptly promoted to Assignment Desk Editor where he simultaneously monitored local police, fire and emergency medical response scanners that covered Macomb, Oakland and Wayne counties all while dispatching reporters to various assigned stories.

Since that time, Mr. Tate has held increasingly more responsible and visible positions that included, Traffic Reporter and Communications Coordinator for the City of Detroit. As Communications Coordinator for the city, he monitored local and high profile events involving Detroit. He has also coordinated numerous press conferences and served as a liaison between the media and various city service departments.

Most recently, Mr. Tate held the position of 2nd Deputy Chief within the Detroit Police Department (DPD). As Commanding Officer of the Office of Public Information, his main objective was to develop working and sustainable relationships between citizens, media outlets and the DPD. Known for going beyond the call of duty while working in the community, he made providing useful information to Detroit families and media sources a top priority. He is credited by DPD leadership as well as state and city officials with working extensively to create various avenues where citizens could communicate their concerns.

Mr. Tate believes information is power and blends a full knowledge of public safety and law enforcement policy issues. Some of his key accomplishments include developing a mentoring program at the DPD where off-duty officers volunteered their time with at-risk youth, conducting several hundred live and recorded interviews with local, network cable and international media outlets on a number of law enforcement related matters. He also directed all local and federal law enforcement communications as the Lead Public Information Officer during the National Football League's Super Bowl in 2006 as well as 2005's Major League Baseball All-Star Game. Additionally, Mr. Tate organized and moderated numerous town hall meetings for the DPD and worked side by side with law enforcement officials and community leaders in developing creative initiatives that address public safety.

Understanding the importance of community development and interaction, his professional and civic affiliations include active memberships with the North Rosedale Park Civic and Wayne State University Alumni Associations. He also mentors youth within his neighborhood and in 2008 organized weekly scheduled meetings with neighborhood teens which focused on personal development, employment opportunities and educational attainment. Mr. Tate also served as a volunteer for several clean-up efforts and neighborhood patrols throughout the city.

Mr. Tate's exemplary management, organizational and leadership skills will restore and re-spirit the City of Detroit. His commitment to personal and public ethics is displayed through his decision to unite the citizens and run for Detroit City Council. He has devoted his life and mission to serving, empowering and motivating others while working collectively to allocate resources and creating safe environments for all to enjoy.

With the citizen's vote of confidence, he will work to restore integrity, professionalism and sensitivity on issues brought before the Detroit City Council. His years of experience working with families, promoting pubic safety and developing key business relationships will usher in balance and order to the city's legislative body of government and work towards making Detroit a world class city once again.

Mr. Tate and his wife, Nutrena, reside within the city of Detroit.


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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  11/02/2021 Detroit City Council - District 1 Won 74.63% (+49.26%)
  08/03/2021 Detroit City Council - District 1 - Primary Won 72.08% (+59.86%)
  11/07/2017 Detroit City Council - District 1 Won 71.35% (+42.70%)
  08/08/2017 Detroit City Council - District 1 - Primary Won 70.91% (+53.79%)
  11/05/2013 Detroit City Council - District 1 Won 68.47% (+36.94%)
  08/06/2013 Detroit City Council - District 1 - Primary Won 60.08% (+47.22%)
  11/03/2009 Detroit City Council Won 6.18% (-2.40%)
  08/04/2009 Detroit City Council - Primary Won 2.86% (-5.89%)
MI District 13 - D Primary - Aug 07, 2018 D Brenda B. Jones
Detroit City Council - At-Large - Appointment - Feb 17, 2015 N Debra Walker
MI District 14 - D Primary - Aug 07, 2012 D Gary Peters
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