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  Mitchell, Kenneth
NameKenneth Mitchell
West Brighton, New York , United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
Last Modifede. dantes
Mar 12, 2011 06:13pm
InfoFor a lifetime, Councilman Kenneth Mitchell has worked tirelessly to make Staten Island a better place to live, work and raise a family. A third generation Staten Islander, Mitchell is deeply involved in the community and understands the unique qualities of Staten Island that bring families here and keep them here for generations.

Councilman Mitchell attended PS 45 elementary school, Blessed Sacrament School and St. Peters High School. He is a graduate of Wagner College and New York Law School and is licensed to practice law in New York and New Jersey.
He has been active in the community throughout his life, having been appointed to Community Board 1 at the age of 19. At 22, he rezoned his neighborhood of Barrett Park to prevent overdevelopment. Mitchell has also worked with and served on the boards of many local charities and community groups including the Dr. Theodore A. Atlas Foundation, The Staten Island Zoological Society, The Children's Aid Society at Goodhue Center and the Staten Island Film Festival. He has received service awards from United Activities Unlimited, Warren Jacques Memorial Committee and the North Shore Democratic Club. Most recently, Mitchell was inducted as a member into the Sons of American Legion, Livingston Post 1369.

Councilman Mitchell served as chief Chief-of-Staff and General Counsel to former Councilman and Congressman McMahon for seven years. Mitchell worked hand-in-hand with McMahon to get things done for Staten Island. Together, they lead the battle to restore more than $120 million in funding for our schools and put a registered nurse in every school in the City. They increased ferry and bus transportation for Staten Island commuters and fought for down zoning to stop overdevelopment. Mitchell also worked with Councilman McMahon to turn Fresh Kills landfill into a 2,300 acre park, purchase the land for Fort Hill Park, Jones Woods Park and Chapin Woods Park, expand the City's recycling program and develop a comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan. In addition, Mitchell played and integral role in acquiring the properties for the expansion of Stapleton Library and the construction of the Mariner's Harbor Library.

Prior to his work with Councilman McMahon, Mitchell was a Law Clerk for Supreme Court Justice Michael J. Brennan and a Court Attorney for the Staten Island Criminal Court. Mitchell was also an Internal Auditor for the New York Property Insurance.

Mitchell was elected to the Council in February 2009 in a special election.
Councilman Mitchell currently resides in the community of West Brighton with his wife Jacquelyn P. Mahoney, a local elementary public school teacher.


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Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  11/03/2009 New York City Council 49 Lost 25.94% (-32.05%)
  09/15/2009 NYC Council 49 - D Primary Lost 39.63% (-14.85%)
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