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  Maloney, Carolyn B.
NameCarolyn B. Maloney
Address49 East 92 Street
New York, New York 10128, United States
Born February 19, 1946
Died Still Living (78 years)
Contributoreddy 9_99
Last ModifedM@
Jun 29, 2021 08:41pm
Tags Caucasian - Widowed - Christian - Presbyterian - Protestant - Straight -
InfoCongresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney, a Democrat, represents the 14th district in New York City. Her district contains many of the city's most historic and well-known neighborhoods, including most of the East Side, portions of the West Side of Manhattan, Astoria and Long Island City, Queens. After serving for ten years on the New York City Council, Maloney defeated a 14-year incumbent in her first race for Congress in 1992. She was reelected in 2000 with 73% of the vote. She has never lost an election. Maloney serves on the House Financial Services Committee, the Government Reform Committee and the Joint Economic Committee.

In February 2001, Rep. Maloney was named the Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy, Technology and Economic Growth of the Financial Services Committee. This Subcommittee has jurisdiction over the Federal Reserve, U.S. monetary policy, currency and coinage, financial services technology issues and economic growth. Since being elected to Congress, Maloney has worked to modernize financial services laws and regulations while strongly advocating for consumer protections that are up-to-date with the increasingly global economy. In the 106th Congress Maloney served as a conferee on the historic Gramm-Leach-Bliley financial modernization bill, where she fought to redraft Depression-era separations between banking, securities, and insurance firms while at the same time providing new consumer privacy protections for personal financial information. In addition to numerous amendments in Committee relating to consumer privacy and consumer protection, in the 106th Congress Maloney introduced financial services legislation to require credit card companies to provide 90-days notice before increasing lending rates, provide banks with tools to protect against financial abuse of the elderly, provide loan guarantees for child care facility finance, and require web sites to disclose their affiliations with financial services companies. She is also a member of the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit and the Subcommittee on International Monetary Policy and Trade.

In Congress, Maloney has been a leading advocate of campaign finance and government reform. The FY 1999 Treasury-Postal Appropriations bill contains additional funding for the Federal Elections Commission, thanks to a Maloney provision. The funding provision marked the first time the Federal Elections Commission was fully funded since the Republicans took control of the House. She also prevented a partisan attack on lead investigators at the agency, allowing them to continue their work as the only non-partisan entity charged with conducting campaign finance inquiries. In 1995, as a member of the Government Efficiency, Financial Management and Intergovernmental Relations subcommittee of Government Reform, Maloney authored the historic "Debt Collection Improvement Act;" this bill was enacted into law on April 26, 1996. The 1996 law requires government agencies who are holding debts that are more than 180 days old to turn them over to the Treasury Department for collection. It has been successful: because of Maloney�s efforts, during FY 2000, the federal government as a whole collected $22.5 billion in non-tax delinquent debt, which represented a $5.2 billion increase over FY 1999.

In early 1999, Maloney, who co-founded and co-chaired the Census Caucus, was appointed the Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on the Census. She has been leading the fight to ensure that scientists, in spite of the objections of partisan politicians, will finally be able to release all 2000 Census data. The importance of accurate data cannot be minimized. Decennial census data is used to ensure fair representation and the fair distribution of federal funds. In 1990, the census undercounted the City of New York by 244,000, costing the city its fair share of federal funding. Maloney worked hard to ensure that the Census Bureau received adequate funding to continue with its plan to use modern statistical methods (statistical sampling). Unfortunately, the Bush Administration has refused to release the data generated using statistical sampling.

As the former co-chair of the Women�s Caucus, Maloney is one of the leading advocates for women and family issues, with special emphasis on foster care reform, funding for women�s health needs, and reproductive freedom. She was a member of the U.S. Delegations to the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing and to the International Conference on Population and Development fifth-year review and appraisal at The Hague (Cairo + 5). Maloney succeeded in increasing funding for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in the FY 2002 Foreign Operations Appropriation to $34 million, a $12.5 million increase from last fiscal year. Additionally, she has introduced the Saving Women's Lives Act of 2002, to try to spur the Bush Administration to release the $34 million budgeted for the United Nations Population Fund. Her bill to offer annual mammograms for women on Medicare was included in the FY 1998 budget agreement. She is currently trying to pass legislation that will enable Americans who rely on private insurance to obtain the cancer screening tests they need for breast, prostate, cervical, and colorectal cancers. She has also introduced legislation ("Kiddie Mac") which would make day care more available and affordable by guaranteeing loans for day care facility construction and improvements.

In January of 2002, she released The Dingell-Maloney Report: A New Look through the Glass Ceiling, an alarming new report documenting a widening wage gap between men and women managers. As a result of these findings, she is calling for more studies looking into the wage disparity.

Maloney founded the bipartisan Congressional Working Group on Parkinson�s Disease to increase awareness of the disease and to coordinate efforts to increase research funding.

Thanks to a bill signed by President Clinton in October of 1998, thousands of World War II era Nazi War Crime records are available for study for the first time. The legislation, which Maloney authored, established a working group which reviews and organizes documents held by federal agencies, checks for possible breaches in national security, and makes the non-sensitive material available to the public.

A staunch supporter of key U.S. allies, Maloney passed legislation cracking down on the Arab Boycott of Israel and has championed the cause of justice in Ireland. She is the co-founder and co-chair of the Congressional Caucus on Hellenic Issues and has advocated for peace on Cyprus and enhanced U.S.-Greek relations.

Maloney has received the Military Order of the Purple Heart, For Meritorious and Conspicuous Service for Veterans, the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association�s (NFPRHA) Distinguished Public Service Award, the Ellis Island Medal of Honor, the Hadassah Myrtle Wreath Award, Peace Action�s Global Peace Award, the Queens Women�s Political Caucus�s Queens Women of Distinction Award and the Healthy Mothers, Health Babies�s 2000 Special Impact Award. Maloney was the Grand Marshal of New York�s Greek Independence Day Parade in 1996 and 2001. Her legislative efforts have been featured on NBC Nightly News, CBS Sunday Morning, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, and other local, national, and international major media outlets.

In the 107th Congress, Maloney has remained steadfast to her commitment of modernizing financial service laws while strongly advocating for consumer protections and privacy. She recently passed legislation to cut fees on securities transactions by $14 billion over ten years.

In the wake of the terrorist attacks of September 11th, Congresswoman Maloney joined a unanimous House of Representatives in appropriating $40 billion in emergency funds for disaster recovery and anti-terrorism activities. In February, Congresswoman Maloney urged the Bush administration to develop a public timetable for when the $20 billion in promised emergency aid would actually arrive in New York and also called on the President to appoint someone in charge of responding to New York�s needs and coordinating federal aid to the city. In March, Congresswoman Maloney was pleased to join the President and other members of the New York Congressional Delegation to announce the Bush administration�s long-awaited decision to support federal aid to New York above the $20 billion originally pledged to the region.

In December of 2001, Congresswoman Maloney, with Congressman Peter King (NY), sponsored and passed successful legislation in the House of Representatives to award Congress�s highest honor, the Congressional Gold Medal, posthumously to the firefighters, police officers, emergency workers, and employees of federal, state, and local governments who lost their lives while responding to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

Maloney continues to focus attention on issues relating to transportation and education that have a direct impact on her district. A strong supporter of the Second Avenue Subway, Congresswoman Maloney was instrumental in obtaining federal funding for the project in FY 2001 and FY 2002. Additionally, she spearheaded a coalition of elected officials who persuaded Mayor Bloomberg to reaffirm his commitment to the Second Avenue Subway. Maloney created and co-chairs the Task Force for an East Side High School which succeeded in obtaining backing from the Board of Education for a new academically rigorous high school on the East Side. The school is scheduled to open in September 2002.

After graduating from Greensboro College, Maloney worked for several years as a teacher and an administrator for the New York City Board of Education. In 1977, she went to work for the New York State legislature and held senior staff positions in both the State Assembly and the State Senate. In 1982, Maloney ran for public office for the first time and defeated an incumbent to win a seat on the New York City Council.

In her ten years on the Council, Maloney fought to eliminate waste and fraud in government. In 1986, she founded the Council's committee on city contracts and used this position to write a series of new laws setting up a computerized system to monitor the $7 billion which the city awards each year in contracts. She was also the principal author of the landmark New York City Campaign Finance Act. Maloney also became a champion of women�s, family, and children�s issues. The first Council member to give birth while in office, Maloney was also the first to offer a comprehensive package of legislation to make day care more available and affordable.

While Congresswoman Maloney works in Washington, she lives in New York City. She and her husband, Clifton Maloney, have two daughters, Christina (22) and Virginia (14).

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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Mar 11, 2018 05:00pm News Maloney backs away from questioning if vaccines cause autism  Article IndyGeorgia 
Sep 26, 2009 10:20pm Obituary N.Y. congresswoman's husband dies on mountain climb  Article The Sunset Provision 
Jul 20, 2009 07:00pm News Carolyn Maloney apologizes for using 'N-word'  Article J.R. 

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