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  Tazewell, Littleton Waller
NameLittleton Waller Tazewell
, Virginia , United States
Born December 17, 1774
Died May 06, 1860 (85 years)
ContributorThomas Walker
Last ModifedChronicler
Aug 28, 2021 07:39am
InfoTAZEWELL, Littleton Waller, (son of Henry Tazewell), a Representative and a Senator from Virginia; born in Williamsburg, Va., December 17, 1774; privately tutored; graduated from the College of William and Mary at Williamsburg in 1791; studied law; admitted to the bar in 1796 and commenced practice in James City County; member, State house of delegates 1798-1800; elected to the Sixth Congress to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of John Marshall and served from November 26, 1800, to March 3, 1801; moved to Norfolk, Va., in 1802; member, General Assembly 1804-1806; member, Virginia House of Delegates 1816-1817; one of the commissioners of claims under the treaty with Spain ceding Florida in 1821; elected in 1824 to the United States Senate to fill the vacancy caused by the death of John Taylor; reelected in 1829, and served from December 7, 1824, to July 16, 1832, when he resigned; served as President pro tempore of the Senate during the Twenty-second Congress; chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations (Twentieth through Twenty-second Congresses); delegate to the State convention in 1829; Governor of Virginia from 1834 until his resignation in 1836; retired from public life; died in Norfolk, Va., May 6, 1860; interment on his estate on the Eastern Shore of Virginia; reinterment in 1866 in Elmwood Cemetery, Norfolk, Va.


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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  05/24/1855 VA District 4 Lost 38.73% (-22.55%)
  11/03/1840 US Vice President Lost 3.74% (-75.85%)
  03/01/1834 VA Governor Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  07/09/1832 President Pro Tempore Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  03/01/1831 President Pro Tempore Lost 0.00% (-62.50%)
  11/03/1828 VA US Senate Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  05/15/1828 President Pro Tempore Lost 2.22% (-55.56%)
  12/06/1824 VA US Senate - Appointment Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  04/00/1817 VA District 21 Lost 6.51% (-86.98%)
  07/31/1800 VA District 13 Won 64.51% (+29.02%)
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