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  Wright, John C.
AffiliationNational Republican   
NameJohn C. Wright
Steubenville, Ohio , United States
Born August 17, 1783
Died February 13, 1861 (78 years)
ContributorThomas Walker
Last ModifedChronicler
Aug 17, 2021 05:02pm
InfoWRIGHT, John Crafts, a Representative from Ohio; born in Wethersfield, Conn., August 17, 1783; completed preparatory studies; learned the trade of printer; moved to Troy, N.Y., and edited the Troy Gazette for several years; studied law in Litchfield, Conn.; was admitted to the bar and commenced practice in Steubenville, Ohio, in 1809; United States district attorney in 1817; elected to the Seventeenth Congress, but resigned on March 3, 1821, before the beginning of the congressional term

U.S. Representative (DR, NR-OH) 1823-1829; unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1828. During a U.S. House debate in 1828, Wright introduced the term "the popular vote" in 1828 to describe the aggregate vote for Presidential Electors in the nation.

Ohio Supreme Court 1831-1835

Moved to Cincinnati in 1835 and engaged in newspaper work, and for thirteen years published the Cincinnati Gazette; director of the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Railway Co.; delegate to and honorary president of the peace congress held in Washington, D.C., in 1861 in an effort to devise means to prevent the impending war, and died while serving in that capacity at Washington, D.C., February 13, 1861; interment in Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati, Ohio.


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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
May 22, 2008 08:00pm Announcement John C. Wright - the Father of "the Popular Vote" in US Presidential Elections  Not Available Chronicler 

  02/01/1861 Washington Peace Convention - Delegate Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  10/14/1828 OH District 11 Lost 47.44% (-5.11%)
  10/10/1826 OH District 11 Won 35.54% (+3.17%)
  10/12/1824 OH District 11 Won 61.28% (+22.56%)
  10/08/1822 OH District 11 Won 58.44% (+16.88%)
  01/17/1821 OH US Senate Lost 3.92% (-47.06%)
  10/10/1820 OH District 04 Won 50.32% (+0.64%)
  10/13/1818 OH District 04 Lost 46.40% (-6.49%)
  10/08/1816 OH District 04 Lost 42.05% (-15.90%)
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