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  Bodack Jr., Leonard "Len"
NameLeonard "Len" Bodack Jr.
Address1501 Woodbine Street
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15201, United States
Born 00, 1956
Died Still Living (69 years)
Last ModifedScottĀ³
Apr 10, 2008 04:59pm
InfoLen Bodack was elected to Pittsburgh City Council on February 25, 2003 and took office on March 10, 2003. This was a special election to fill the council seat left vacant by Jim Ferlo, who was elected to the State Senate in November of 2002. Before getting elected, Councilman Bodack worked as the Director of Operations for the Allegheny County Democratic Party. Previously, Len owned his own business in the Lawrenceville area. He also worked in the field of engineering for many years as a Piping Designer and Draftsman.

A graduate of Central Catholic High School, Len attended Point Park College. He and his wife, Sharon, live in Stanton Heights with their three children, Gregory, Stephanie and Jessica.

Councilman Bodack supports numerous neighborhood improvement programs like street paving, park improvements and high quality recreation centers. He will focus on reducing the tax burden on our families and small businesses, increasing police presence, and providing the highest level of public service throughout the 7th Council District.

Councilman Bodack is a member of the Regional Development Funding Corporation, Lawrenceville Board of Trade, and participates in the Lawrenceville Block Watch. He also maintains links with many civic and cultural organizations, including Loyal Order of Moose Lodge #581, Corinthian Lodge #573 F & A.M., Islam Grotto M.O.V.P.E.R., V.F.W. Morningside Post #3495.

Immediately following his election, Councilman Bodack was appointed Chairman of the Public Works Committee. Mayor Murphy also appointed him to the P.W.& S.A. board.

In 2004 Councilman Bodack was appointed Chairman of the Public Safety Services Committee. He was also appointed to the Sports & Exhibition Authority.

Leonard Bodack Jr., of Stanton Heights, is the son of former state Sen. Leonard Bodack. [Link]

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Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  04/22/2008 PA State House 021 - D Primary Lost 33.00% (-1.66%)
  05/15/2007 Pittsburgh City Council 7 - D Primary Lost 49.14% (-1.47%)
  11/04/2003 Pittsburgh City Council District 7 Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
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