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  Williams, Jay
NameJay Williams
Hartford, Connecticut , United States
Born 00, 1971
Died Still Living (54 years)
ContributorThomas Walker
Last Modifed00
Apr 30, 2019 07:59am
Tags Black -
InfoJay Williams (born 1971) is the current mayor of Youngstown, Ohio. An independent, Williams is the first African-American mayor in the city, and the first independent mayor since 1922.

Williams was born in Youngstown, and grew up on the city's east side. He attended Youngstown State University, where he earned a degree in finance. After graduation from YSU, Williams turned down job offers from around the country, opting to stay in Youngstown, where he worked with area banks, and was also an examiner for the Federal Reserve Bank in Cleveland. He would eventually leave the banking industry to become director of Youngstown's Community Development Agency. There, he was instrumental in implementing Youngstown 2010, a citywide redevelopment plan with the goal of re-shaping the city and helping it shed its negative self-image.

Mayoral campaign

Williams, who said on several occasions that he was a "lifelong Democrat" did not run in the April Democratic primary for mayor, but on May 2, announced his intent to run for mayor as an independent. Immediately after declaring his candidacy, he became a contender for the office, along with Democratic nominee Bob Hagan. This came off as a bit of surprise, as Williams was the youngest candidate running (34 years) and had absolutely no political experience. Nevertheless, he ran a very popular campaign, and towards the end of the campaign it looked that Williams began to pull away from Hagan.

On Election Day, November 8, 2005, Williams won Youngstown's mayoral campaign out of a field of six candidates. The victory still came as a surprise to some, citing his age and having held no office, and while it is presently unclear as to why voters chose him, it could be attributed to the fact that citizens wanted a change in leadership, as the city has been traditionally run by Democrats.


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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  11/03/2009 Youngstown Mayor Won 98.08% (+96.15%)
  05/05/2009 Youngstown Mayor - D Primary Won 88.27% (+76.54%)
  11/08/2005 Youngstown Mayor Won 52.01% (+12.17%)
OH US Senate - D Primary - May 04, 2010 D Lee Fisher
OH US President - D Primary - Mar 04, 2008 D Barack Obama
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