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   from ZT08
Screen NameZT08   
Location, ,
BirthdayDecember 09, 2008
First LoginJuly 21, 2024 08:34pm
Last LoginSeptember 16, 2024 11:28am
Predictions Points: -7.6004
Predictions: 52/61 (85.25%)
Points Per: -7.6004/61 (-0.12)
Emote Messages 13
LBT:11457The Fixer ( 14.24 points)
September 12, 2024 07:47pm
Joe Biden 2.0


I:11727LSwisso ( 0.00 points)
September 11, 2024 08:05am
I dismiss the Swift endorsment of Comrade Harris as total desperation, it really doesn't carry much weight.

I:11727LSwisso ( 0.00 points)
September 09, 2024 02:52pm
Harris is still someone to be concerned about, her ties to Big Tech would help Google wiggle out of a meaningful breakup. She wants to use the federal government to censor Americans online, she wants to make life more expensive and miserable for the average American, she's an elitist. She's a corporate sellout.

I:11727LSwisso ( 0.00 points)
September 09, 2024 12:10pm
I get my political content from Rumble and BitChute. Youtube censors content and prompts up the corporate legacy media which I don't want to hear.

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.48 points)
September 01, 2024 11:21am
Not beating the Racism Allegations lmao

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.48 points)
August 26, 2024 08:31pm
"tHe OnLy DeMoCrAcY iN tHe MiDdLe EaSt"

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.48 points)
August 24, 2024 01:45pm
With Democrats like this, who needs Republicans


I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.48 points)
August 03, 2024 05:20pm
ZT08: You kind of did the same thing to me if you think about it by saying that I think racism against Arabs is ok because I said I think people shouldn't be held to something they said 20 years ago. Yet I choose to stick up for you when this person implied you didn't like Shapiro because he was a Jew. I may be young, I may be naive, I may be a lot of things. But one thing I will never be is a racist and I will never judge somebody because of their skin color, ethnicity, sex, gender, or anything of the like. And I wouldn't want anybody to be labeled that way for a stupid reason.

I put a question mark at the end, I was asking a question, not making an accusation. Because quite literally that's what it seems like. I call out Shapiro for saying blatantly anti-arabic things, and all of a sudden he gets a rush of defenders ready to save him from said criticism.

ZT08: I just mean ANY scandal. Not just limited to things said against Jews or Arabs. As far as I know I don't think either Walz or Beshear have problems with Arabs. And I'm not saying Shapiro is perfect. His logic on sanctioning Iran and Israel is flawed. And the answer to the genuine question is yes, but you were implying that just because he sympathizes with Israel, he hates all Arabs. There are some people in the pro-Israel movement that are bad apples. Just like in every movement. But these bad apples do not represent the entire movement, just like the bad apples in the pro-Palestine movement don't represent their movement. And yeah I also believe it's a bunch of crap what the DNC did to Bernie back in 2016...despite me being on the more corporate/establishment side of the Democrat spectrum.

Ok then....like I said before then I have no problem. If your defense of me calling out Shapiro for Islamophobia is "Walz and Beshear ARE NOT", then its like; yes...thats what I have been saying.... Of the three, one is on the record as have stated Anti-Arabic things; has made no inclination he has changed from said positions. So yes, of the three I would focus on the one who has openly stated said Anti-Arabic Things.

And misrepresenting what I said again, which means you either have no clue what I am referring to (which I know you do) or are being intentionally dense. Which in my experience is typical of people who need to wiggle around to defend Zionists being blatantly Islamophobic

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.48 points)
August 03, 2024 03:11pm
ZT08: 1. Again, he said this over 20 years ago. When he was a young college kid. If he was saying this now or even more recently I would be condemning him. Besides, he may have forgotten about it. It was 20 years ago. I don't remember every single essay or comment I have ever made.

Saying that he can't remember specific racist comments he made is a lil sus but you seem to overlook the fact that since Shapiro has not apologized or even addressed these comments until recently, I cannot in good faith wipe away them to "oh it was so long ago" because the policies he pushes for and advocates for now do not contradict those previous stances at all. If Shapiro was now waving the Palestinian flag and demanding an end to the Apartheid state, then maybe I can say that he has changed, but where is the change?

ZT08: 2. I would defend the politician regardless of what they written as long as it was written when they were young. If they meant it now, I would condemn them. The last 2 statements you mentioned are mainstream amongst pro-Palestinians and are not even remotely anti-semitic, so I wouldn't even condemn them saying those things. I may disagree, but it's not antisemitic to say that there is a genocide in Gaza nor is it antisemitic to say that Israel's policies towards Palestinians draw parallels to apartheid. Now if they were saying the first two statements NOW I would absolutely be condemning them, just as I would be condemning Shapiro now if he were to be saying what he written then now. But if they written it some 20 years ago, it wouldn't be a big deal. As we all age, we learn from our mistakes. Call me naive, but I don't think Shapiro still holds those views. Just like I wouldn't believe a pro-Palestine politician would still hold those views about Jews.

Why should I give him the benefit of the doubt that he has changed? Exactly what about Shapiros policies and advocacy should give me any remote indication he has changed? When he was a lowly Board of commissioners he can talk ALL DAY LONG about hoe Netanyahu openly rejecting a UN proposal to stop occupying Palestine, BUT THE SECOND HE IS ON THE NATIONAL STAGE: all of a sudden he hates Netanyahu. When he was a Governor only focused on PA, he could support Republican bills to take $100,000,000 from Public Schools to fund Private Schools, BUT THE SECOND HE'S ON THE NATIONAL STAGE: all of a sudden he is a staunch supporter of the Public School system.

“The true test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching.”

ZT08: Also I'm pretty sure some of the other VP contenders have some sort of skeletons in their closet....no politician is perfect.
Again, when Beshear and Walz write papers openly being racist to Palestinians, let me know. Otherwise, NOT COMPARABLE

I:11444mg2685a ( 2142.55 points)
August 03, 2024 03:00pm
@ZT08: I'd recommend you stop wasting your time and engaging with E Pluribus Unum. We all know the reason they dislike (((Shapiro))).

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.48 points)
August 03, 2024 01:54pm
ZT08: 1. I never said that only racism against Arabas and Palestinians cannot be called out. I said ANYTHING stupid, meaning racism towards ANYBODY, whether it be against Jews, Arabs, African Americans, Latinos, Caucasians. ANYBODY. PERIOD.

Which is why you are defending him from literally saying extremely racist things towards Arabs and Palestinians.

ZT08: 2. Literally nothing you responded had anything to do with what I said. I never said Shapiro apologized. I only said that if we all held people to something stupid they said or did when they were below drinking age none of us would be eligible to run for office, or do anything for that matter. There's not one person who did not say or do anything stupid when they were that age. This goes for ANYBODY, no matter there stance on the Israel/Palestine issue. I would be saying the exact same thing if a pro-Palestine politician got attacked for something they wrote against Israel when they were young, too.

You kinda just proved my point "I NEVER SAID SHAPIRO APOLOGIZED FOR HIS RACISM!"....ok....then why the **** should a racist be VP? He has done nothing to indicate he has changed he's only addressing these comments NOW because they are politically unviable, not based on any change on his part.

And that is a very vague statement "I would be saying the exact same thing if a pro-Palestine politician got attacked for something they wrote against Israel when they were young, too". Like even if the politician was saying that "jEwS rUn ThE wOrLd" or "6,000,000 mOrE lIkE 6,000" or are you going to include statements like "Israel is an Apartheid state" or "Israel is committing a Genocide in Gaza" in that camp?

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.48 points)
August 03, 2024 01:06pm
So, when it's racism against Arabs and Palestinians there's a statute of limitations on when we can call it out?

And if he truly regretted his statements: why did Shapiro not apologize for the comments back in 2004 when he ran for the State House. Or in 2016 when he ran for Attorney General? Or in 2022 when he ran for Governor? OR NOW? Why is he only talking about them (NOT APOLOGIZING) only when he is on the cusp of getting a silver platter to be the Democratic Presidential Nominee in 2032?

Its so weird that racism against Arabic and Palestinian people is just being seen as OK. Hot take: racism is bad

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.48 points)
August 02, 2024 11:14pm
Kyle: This is bat**** crazy. If Kamala loses Michigan because her running mate is Jewish, then the Democratic coalition is as every bit as deplorable as they claim Republicans are.

It could not possibly have anything to do with:
-His Anti-Public School Stance
-His literal dehumanizing essay regarding Palestine and the Middle East
-His volunteer work in the IDF
-Comparing Pro-Palestinian Protesters to the KKK
-Has claimed that the BDS movement for Israel is bad while supporting Divesting from Iran

IDK why the only thing you see when Shapiro is mentioned is "JEW", but it sounds like a U Problem

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