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US President - R Primaries
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> United States > U.S. Executive > Popular Vote
Office | President |
Honorific | President - Abbr: President |
Type | Republican Primary Election |
Filing Deadline | February 01, 1984 - 12:00pm Central |
Polls Open | February 20, 1984 - 06:00am Central |
Polls Close | July 01, 1984 - 08:00pm Central |
Term Start | January 20, 1985 - 12:00pm |
Term End | January 20, 1989 - 12:00pm |
Contributor | Thomas Walker |
Last Modified | Chronicler March 22, 2008 03:12pm |
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The Republican Party in the first Reagan Administration.
Following Reagan's landslide win in 1980, most of his domestic agenda passed through Congress in 1981 with the aid of conservative Democrats who were called "boll weevils." His budget included a 10% tax cut in 1981 and 1982 and an additional 5% in 1983. These tax cuts were intended to boost the economy by keeping money in the private sector. However, the recession that Reagan inherited from Carter deepened during his first year in office. The federal deficit grew, and unemployment rose to levels not seen since the Great Depression. Beginning in 1983, the economy began to improve; it was the beginning of a six-year expansion of the economy which boosted Reagan's popularity.
Reagan's first term accomplishments were notable. He proved that the federal government could control inflation and interest rates through Federal Reserve action, thus eliminating the two major problems of the Carter administration. He pushed the Individual Retirement Account through Congress to encourage workers to save money for retirement. Other aspects of his legislative program included an increase in military spending and capping domestic spending.
The 1984 Republican Primaries
Reagan's popularity among Republicans stifled opposition in the primaries. The only candidate to file in more than one state was the perennial Harold Stassen. Although Reagan made a campaign appearance in Iowa on the day of the c
The Republican Party in the first Reagan Administration.
Following Reagan's landslide win in 1980, most of his domestic agenda passed through Congress in 1981 with the aid of conservative Democrats who were called "boll weevils." His budget included a 10% tax cut in 1981 and 1982 and an additional 5% in 1983. These tax cuts were intended to boost the economy by keeping money in the private sector. However, the recession that Reagan inherited from Carter deepened during his first year in office. The federal deficit grew, and unemployment rose to levels not seen since the Great Depression. Beginning in 1983, the economy began to improve; it was the beginning of a six-year expansion of the economy which boosted Reagan's popularity.
Reagan's first term accomplishments were notable. He proved that the federal government could control inflation and interest rates through Federal Reserve action, thus eliminating the two major problems of the Carter administration. He pushed the Individual Retirement Account through Congress to encourage workers to save money for retirement. Other aspects of his legislative program included an increase in military spending and capping domestic spending.
The 1984 Republican Primaries
Reagan's popularity among Republicans stifled opposition in the primaries. The only candidate to file in more than one state was the perennial Harold Stassen. Although Reagan made a campaign appearance in Iowa on the day of the caucus there, he otherwise coasted to victory in each state. The greatest degree of opposition to Reagan came from uncommitted slates in Tennessee and Rhode Island, both of which received only 9% of the vote.
Republican Primaries of 1980
Republican Primaries of 1988
33d Republican National Convention (1984)
Popular Vote of 1984
Electoral Vote of 1984
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