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  Thomas Walker
Screen NameThomas Walker   
LocationPhoenix, Arizona, United States
Browser Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
Member OfPublic Website
First LoginJune 12, 2003 05:18pm
Last LoginMarch 26, 2021 04:52pm
Previous Screen Names 06/12/2003 - 03/17/2005: Walker-Keene!!!
03/17/2005 - 03/17/2005: Happy St. Patrick's Day!, I'm
03/17/2005 - 03/18/2005: Happy St. Patrick's Day!
03/18/2005 - 03/29/2005: Walker-Keene!!!
03/29/2005 - 03/30/2005: V R Trooper Thomas Walker
03/30/2005 - 03/31/2005: Thomas "Tam Man" Walker
03/31/2005 - 04/01/2005: Thomas "Columbus Owls" Walker
04/01/2005 - 04/02/2005: John McCain fan drinking Soda
04/02/2005 - 04/06/2005: Thomas Walker
04/06/2005 - 04/06/2005: Walker/Keene!!!
04/06/2005 - 04/06/2005: Happy 1st b-day, Teresa & Juli
04/06/2005 - 04/07/2005: Happy 1st b-day,Teresa & Julia
04/07/2005 - 04/07/2005: Walker/Keene!!!
04/07/2005 - 04/08/2005: Please vote for Rachel's Dad!
04/08/2005 - 04/09/2005: Please vote for 'Toria's Dad!
04/09/2005 - 04/10/2005: Please vote for Teresa's Dad!
04/10/2005 - 04/11/2005: Please vote for Julia's Dad!
04/11/2005 - 04/13/2005: Please vote for Walker/Keene!!
04/13/2005 - 04/13/2005: Thank you from Thomas Walker
04/13/2005 - 05/01/2005: Thomas Walker
05/01/2005 - 05/02/2005: X341569
05/02/2005 - 05/09/2005: Thomas Walker
05/09/2005 - 05/12/2005: The President just has a cold
05/12/2005 - 06/12/2005: Thomas Walker
06/12/2005 - 06/13/2005: Two years here!!!
06/13/2005 - 06/17/2005: Thomas Walker
06/17/2005 - 06/22/2005: Samantha Fox Crew Member
06/22/2005 - 06/23/2005: Wobblie Century Crew Member
06/23/2005 - 06/26/2005: Billy Graham Crew Member
06/26/2005 - 07/06/2005: Thomas Walker
07/06/2005 - 07/07/2005: voteforwalker@yahoo.com
07/07/2005 - 08/01/2005: Thomas Walker
08/01/2005 - 08/02/2005: Thomas Walker (Disgraced Ex)
08/02/2005 - 08/02/2005: Thomas Walker
08/02/2005 - 08/05/2005: Rest In Peace, Mr. Moss
08/05/2005 - 08/08/2005: Thomas Walker's gone to lunch
08/08/2005 - 08/20/2005: Thomas Walker in OH 'til 8/20
08/20/2005 - 09/12/2005: Thomas Walker
09/12/2005 - 09/15/2005: A Govt worker-I caused Katrina
09/15/2005 - 09/23/2005: Thomas Walker
09/23/2005 - 09/25/2005: I Hate Hurricanes!
09/25/2005 - 09/25/2005: Thomas "Walmart" Walker
09/25/2005 - 10/24/2005: Thomas Walker
10/24/2005 - 10/29/2005: Off to Fredericksburg, Va
10/29/2005 - 11/09/2005: Thomas Walker
11/09/2005 - 11/10/2005: Prayers for Teresa
11/10/2005 - 11/14/2005: Teresa's recovering
11/14/2005 - 11/19/2005: Thomas Walker
11/19/2005 - 11/23/2005: Thomas Walker says AZ Stinks!
11/23/2005 - 11/25/2005: Happy Thanksgiving!
11/25/2005 - 12/05/2005: Thomas Walker
12/05/2005 - 12/06/2005: Anarchy Rules at Our Campaigns
12/06/2005 - 12/07/2005: Warrior For Christmas! :p
12/07/2005 - 12/17/2005: Thomas Walker
12/17/2005 - 12/18/2005: don we now our GAY apparel
12/18/2005 - 12/20/2005: Let's go shopping at Wal-Mart!
12/20/2005 - 12/23/2005: Thomas Walker
12/23/2005 - 12/27/2005: Merry Christmas from Mr. Sick
12/27/2005 - 01/06/2006: Thomas Walker
01/06/2006 - 01/07/2006: Happy Epiphany!!!
01/07/2006 - 01/10/2006: Thomas Walker
01/10/2006 - 01/16/2006: Hugo Chavez for Family Values!
01/16/2006 - 02/01/2006: Thomas Walker
02/01/2006 - 02/06/2006: I'm addicted to oil
02/06/2006 - 04/06/2006: Thomas Walker
04/06/2006 - 04/08/2006: Happy 2nd b-day,Teresa & Julia
04/08/2006 - 04/10/2006: Marching for tax free handouts
04/10/2006 - 04/10/2006: The sky isn't falling,Gringos!
04/10/2006 - 05/01/2006: Thomas Walker
05/01/2006 - 05/03/2006: Celebrating the real May Day!
05/03/2006 - 05/05/2006: Thomas "Pro-Life" Walker
05/05/2006 - 05/09/2006: Thomas Walker, 'Zona NonRanger
05/09/2006 - 07/13/2006: "Ambassador" Thomas Walker
07/13/2006 - 07/21/2006: OCFL Commish Thomas Walker
07/21/2006 - 08/02/2006: Thomas Walker
08/02/2006 - 08/14/2006: Bill Moss Independent
08/14/2006 - 08/23/2006: Thomas Walker
08/23/2006 - 08/28/2006: Ed Clark Libertarian
08/28/2006 - 08/28/2006: Happy 6th b-day Toria!
08/28/2006 - 08/31/2006: Thomas Walker
08/31/2006 - 09/11/2006: Pluto IS a planet!
09/11/2006 - 09/12/2006: Remembering
09/12/2006 - 09/15/2006: Thomas Walker
09/15/2006 - 09/17/2006: The USDA E. Coli Man
09/17/2006 - 09/21/2006: A cat-watching my OCFL team
09/21/2006 - 11/14/2006: Thomas Walker
11/14/2006 - 11/21/2006: OSU is gonna stomp Michigan
11/21/2006 - 12/01/2006: Thomas Walker
12/01/2006 - 12/05/2006: Heading to Stafford, VA
12/05/2006 - 12/11/2006: Thomas Walker
12/11/2006 - 12/13/2006: General Pinochet Humanitarian
12/13/2006 - 12/26/2006: Thomas Walker
12/26/2006 - 12/29/2006: Prayers for Julia
12/29/2006 - 01/06/2007: Thomas Walker
01/06/2007 - 01/19/2007: In Mourning
01/19/2007 - 02/14/2007: Thomas Walker
02/14/2007 - 02/15/2007: Happy Valentines Day!!!
02/15/2007 - 02/16/2007: Thomas Walker
02/16/2007 - 02/17/2007: Mr Walker Goes to Washington?
02/17/2007 - 04/01/2007: Thomas Walker
04/01/2007 - 04/01/2007: I <3 Bush, McCain, AZ & Pop
04/01/2007 - 04/01/2007: I <3 Bush, McCain, AZ & Soda
04/01/2007 - 04/11/2007: Thomas Walker
04/11/2007 - 04/11/2007: A friendly hi to the Edwards'!
04/11/2007 - 04/11/2007: A friendly hi to the Edwards's
04/11/2007 - 05/31/2007: GRAVELMENTUM!!!
05/31/2007 - 06/01/2007: Al Michaud for President!
06/01/2007 - 06/11/2007: Thomas Walker in Ohio Jun 2-10
06/11/2007 - 07/14/2007: Thomas Walker
07/14/2007 - 07/28/2007: Columbus RULES!
07/28/2007 - 08/06/2007: In Ohio until August 4
08/06/2007 - 09/17/2007: Thomas Walker
09/17/2007 - 10/24/2007: Vote for the Mop
10/24/2007 - 10/31/2007: Thomas Walker
10/31/2007 - 11/14/2007: Mr. Barky Von Schnauzer
11/14/2007 - 11/30/2007: Thomas Walker
11/30/2007 - 12/03/2007: Muhammad the Bear
12/03/2007 - 12/25/2007: Thomas Walker
12/25/2007 - 12/26/2007: Merry Christmas!!! :-)
12/26/2007 - 01/09/2008: Gravelmentum!!!
01/09/2008 - 01/09/2008: 397 and counting!
01/09/2008 - 01/10/2008: 402 and counting!
01/10/2008 - 01/15/2008: Chump Change
01/15/2008 - 01/17/2008: Thomas Walker
01/17/2008 - 01/18/2008: Miranda Warning
01/18/2008 - 03/21/2008: Thomas Walker
03/21/2008 - 03/23/2008: Happy Easter!
03/23/2008 - 04/01/2008: Thomas Walker
04/01/2008 - 04/02/2008: Obama/Dean 08 YES WE CAN!!!
04/02/2008 - 04/15/2008: Thomas Walker
04/15/2008 - 04/22/2008: I <3 POLAR INC
04/22/2008 - 05/01/2008: Victory!!! :-)
05/01/2008 - 05/02/2008: Thomas Walker
05/02/2008 - 05/05/2008: Win your competition, girls!
05/05/2008 - 05/19/2008: On to State!
05/19/2008 - 05/22/2008: 4th and 3rd
05/22/2008 - 06/04/2008: Thomas Walker
06/04/2008 - 06/13/2008: Rebecca Rios/Clay Henry III 08
06/13/2008 - 08/01/2008: Thomas Walker
08/01/2008 - 08/09/2008: In Ohio until August 10
08/09/2008 - 08/20/2008: Thomas Walker
08/20/2008 - 08/21/2008: Vote for Rachel!
08/21/2008 - 09/15/2008: Rachel for S.C. Treasurer!
09/15/2008 - 10/07/2008: Jerry Brown 2012
10/07/2008 - 10/09/2008: Prayers for Julia
10/09/2008 - 10/11/2008: Julia's doing fine. :-) :-)
10/11/2008 - 10/29/2008: Nader/Gonzalez 2008
10/29/2008 - 11/20/2008: 5th Horseman of the Apocalypse
11/20/2008 - 11/26/2008: On hiatus for a while.
11/26/2008 - 12/16/2008: 5th Horseman of the Apocalypse
12/16/2008 - 12/18/2008: Sicker than sick again
12/18/2008 - 12/22/2008: 5th Horseman of the Apocalypse
12/22/2008 - 12/30/2008: Lillian Gish is cute as a bug
12/30/2008 - 01/06/2009: Rebecca Rios is hot as a pot
01/06/2009 - 01/13/2009: 25,000 candidates entered
01/13/2009 - 03/24/2009: Silent Movie Action Hero!
03/24/2009 - 04/01/2009: 5 Against the World
04/01/2009 - 04/02/2009: I Love Jan Brewer
04/02/2009 - 07/08/2009: 5 Against the World
07/08/2009 - 07/15/2009: Jugling 50 flamin bowlin balls
07/15/2009 - 08/03/2009: Fredonia1832
08/03/2009 - 08/18/2009: Gone a while real life happens
08/18/2009 - 09/09/2009: Thomas Walker
09/09/2009 - 09/17/2009: Got the new house keys today!
09/17/2009 - 11/16/2009: Thomas Walker
11/16/2009 - 11/16/2009: Lord Dodge Landeman, Esquire
11/16/2009 - 11/16/2009: Lord Dodge Landesman, Esquire
11/16/2009 - 01/07/2010: Thomas Walker
01/07/2010 - 02/16/2010: Old Dog
02/16/2010 - 02/25/2010: I even miss Jimmy Carter
02/25/2010 - 04/01/2010: Thomas Walker
04/01/2010 - 04/01/2010: Obama is the Bomb
04/01/2010 - 04/02/2010: Job Interview Tomorrow
04/02/2010 - 04/02/2010: Job Interview Today
04/02/2010 - 04/09/2010: Thomas Walker
04/09/2010 - 04/16/2010: In the top 3, still in the run
04/16/2010 - 04/26/2010: Second interview done
04/26/2010 - 08/26/2010: Thomas Walker
08/26/2010 - 08/30/2010: Defeat the KUMPetition in MD
08/30/2010 - 10/01/2010: Pull The String!
10/01/2010 - 10/07/2010: Señor Calexico
10/07/2010 - 10/18/2010: Wally for Manager!
10/18/2010 - 10/20/2010: Thomas Walker
10/20/2010 - 04/15/2011: Gishot
04/15/2011 - 03/02/2012: Thomas Walker
03/02/2012 - 03/12/2012: 10 Day 11 State Road Trip
Predictions Points: 534.3409
Predictions: 1944/2146 (90.59%)
Points Per: 534.3409/2146 (0.25)
Messages Posted 27
Contributed 31,432 Races, 28,259 Sub-Races, 31,752 Candidates, 4,999 Containers, 1,166 Polls, 27 Polling Firms, 1,994 News Items, 557 Parties, 1 Issues, 69 Books, 1,265 Info Links, 1 FAQs, 2,147 Personal Endorsements, 820 Media Endorsements, 3,868 Candidate Endorsements,
Your 2¢ 118, 55, 3, 36, 35, 1, 3,
2¢ to You 473, 45, 375, 22, 7, 7, 4,

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Sep 22, 2004 12:00am Poll A better presidential election poll  Article Thomas Walker 
Sep 14, 2004 12:00am General Hatch Act reminder to federal employees  Not Available Thomas Walker 

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ThomasWalker's Johari Window  Discuss
Is In
City Council City Council District 5
County Maricopa
House of Representatives AZ - District 04
School Board Governing Board - Phoenix Union High School District #210 Seat 5
School Districts Phoenix Union High School District #210
School Districts Cartwright Elementary District #83
State Arizona
State House AZ State House 29
State Senate AZ State Senate 29
City Phoenix
Country United States
CA US Senate - Appointment - Dec 22, 2020 D Dolores Huerta
WA State House District 9 Seat 1 - Nov 03, 2020 LBT Brett Borden
Phoenix, AZ Mayor - Nov 03, 2020 N Kristen Pierce
Phoenix, AZ Mayor - Nov 03, 2020 N Tim Seay
US Vice President - Nov 03, 2020 S Angela Nicole Walker
US President - Popular Vote - Nov 03, 2020 G Howie Hawkins
US Vice President - D Selection - Aug 11, 2020 D Tammy Duckworth
WA State House District 9 Seat 1 - Open Primary - Aug 04, 2020 LBT Brett Borden
US Vice President - LBT Convention - May 24, 2020 LBT John H. Monds
AZ US President - D Primary - Mar 17, 2020 For Andrew Yang
ISR Knesset - Likud Seat 10 - Mar 02, 2020 IOC Havana, Cuba
PA District 01 - Nov 06, 2018 D Scott Wallace
RUS President - Mar 18, 2018 KPRF Gennady Zyuganov
KY US Senate - Nov 08, 2016 D Jim Gray
US President - D Primaries - Feb 09, 2016 D Edmund G. "Jerry" Brown, Jr.
SC US Senate - D Primary - Jun 10, 2014 D Alvin Greene
CA Governor - Open Primary - Jun 03, 2014 D Edmund G. "Jerry" Brown, Jr.
World's Fair 2020 - Nov 27, 2013 BIE Ekaterinburg, Russia
Phoenix City Council 04 - Aug 27, 2013 D David Lujan
IL District 2 - Special Election - Apr 09, 2013 G LeAlan M. Jones