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  OH Issue 1 - Elevating the Standards to Qualify For and to Pass any Constitutional Amendment
Parents > United States > Ohio > Referenda > 2023 Referenda > Issue 1 (August): Constitutional Amendment Qualifications
OfficeConstitutional Amendment
HonorificConstitutional Amendment - Abbr:
Type Referendum
Filing Deadline May 01, 2023 - 04:00pm Central
Polls Open August 08, 2023 - 06:00am Central
Polls Close August 08, 2023 - 06:30pm Central
Term Start August 09, 2023 - 12:00pm
Term End December 31, 3999 - 12:00pm
Turnout 38.33% Registered 25.93% Total Population
ContributorMax Rohtbart
Last ModifiedMr. Matt October 14, 2024 03:20pm
Data Sources[Link]
Description Would increase the requirement to pass constitutional amendment from a majority to 60%

Issue 1

Proposed Constitutional Amendment


Proposed by Joint Resolution of the General Assembly

To amend Sections 1b, le, and 1g of Article IT and Sections 1 and 3 of Article XVI of the Constitution of the State of Ohio

A majority yes vote is necessary for the amendment to pass.

The proposed amendment would:

Require that any proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Ohio receive the approval of at least 60 percent of eligible voters voting on the proposed amendment.
Require that any initiative petition filed on or after January 1, 2024 with the Secretary of State proposing to amend the Constitution of the State of Ohio be signed by at least five percent of the electors of each county based on the total vote in the county for governor in the last preceding election.
Specify that additional signatures may not be added to an initiative petition proposing to amend the Constitution of the State of Ohio that is filed with the Secretary of State on or after January 1, 2024 proposing to amend the Constitution of the State of Ohio.
If passed, the amendment will be effective immediately.

Leaning Graph
07/18/2023 08/08/2023
No 3 2 1 1
Yes --1 ----
Leaning Call: No (87.50%)
Weighted Call: No (99.51%)
Poll Graph

07/09/2023 07/26/2023

Name No Yes  
PartyNO YES  
Campaign Logo  
Uncertified Votes 1,744,094 (57.01%) 1,315,346 (42.99%)  
Margin0 (0.00%) -428,748 (-14.01%)  
Predict Avg.0.00% 0.00%  
Cash On Hand $-- $--  
Entry Date -- --  
MATCHUP POLLS (2 from 2 pollsters)
Adj Poll Avg54.17%-- 29.23%--  
Ohio Northern University Institute for Civics and Public Policy 
41.00% -- 42.40% --
Suffolk University 
57.20% -- 26.20% --

Start Date End Date Type Title Contributor

Start Date Candidate Category Ad Tone Lng Title Run Time Contributor
07/13/2023 No vs Yes TVAd Issue eng Ohio Republicans in Your Bedroom  00:00:30 RP 

Title Purchase Contributor


Date Category Headline Article Contributor

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R:6309CincinnatiReds1990 ( 95.4006 points)
Sun, July 23, 2023 01:36:58 AM UTC0:00
I was initially an undecided voter on this. (Typical Ohio Voter, lol) Even leaning Yes at one point as I do think on principle 50%+1 does seem a bit too easy to amend the constitution.

But, there seems like there is a lot of politicizing of the issues like abortion tied into this and the new signature requirements seem a bit too much.

I'm voting No.

I:6738IndyGeorgia ( 4113.6006 points)
Wed, August 9, 2023 12:57:26 AM UTC0:00
If I recall, Ohio is a “blue mirage” state (early votes counted first), correct? Not saying “No” won’t win, just that the race will tighten.

I:6738IndyGeorgia ( 4113.6006 points)
Wed, August 9, 2023 01:12:41 AM UTC0:00
Wasserman called it.

BEER:10271WSNJ ( 452.9941 points)
Wed, August 9, 2023 03:33:59 AM UTC0:00
I see a lot of people saying this is yet another Biden era GOP loss but can we really classify it as that? I'm certainly all for trashing the GOPs current leadership, but if you ask me this is just more of an unpopular amendment not passing

D:7CA Pol Junkie ( 4953.9048 points)
Wed, August 9, 2023 04:01:08 AM UTC0:00
WSNJ: I see a lot of people saying this is yet another Biden era GOP loss but can we really classify it as that?

It's a loss for the anti-abortion movement to which the GOP is anchored.

D:6149Campari_007 ( 1066.4170 points)
Wed, August 9, 2023 06:38:28 AM UTC0:00
Republicans got their wish on Abortion and they're going to wish they hadn't.

Joker:9757BrentinCO ( 7748.4790 points)
Wed, August 9, 2023 06:37:52 PM UTC0:00
I don't see this result as solely determined by the abortion issue. Although no doubt many voters on the center-left voted NO because of the implication on the November Abortion referendum vote.

I think there were a number of independents and probably even some Republicans that voted NO not on abortion but on the effort to rig the democratic outcome by holding this vote during the summer - a non traditional election day when no other races were held.

I'm pro-life and actually agree that constitutional changes should have a higher bar than 50% + 1. Still, I would have voted NO because I feel it was shady the way Republican leadership did an end-run around the normal election day where things like this should be decided.

Separate from my beliefs, there are typically a large number of center right voters that vote NO on these type of measures anyway because they see it as a defense against big government.

I do not expect the November referendum to pass or fail by this same margin. This vote is predictive of some peoples voting intentions, but not all.

D:7CA Pol Junkie ( 4953.9048 points)
Wed, August 9, 2023 08:47:38 PM UTC0:00
BrentinCO: I don't see this result as solely determined by the abortion issue. Although no doubt many voters on the center-left voted NO because of the implication on the November Abortion referendum vote.

I think there were a number of independents and probably even some Republicans that voted NO not on abortion but on the effort to rig the democratic outcome by holding this vote during the summer - a non traditional election day when no other races were held.

Setting aside relative turnout rates of the Yes / No sides, I agree that the result of the abortion referendum itself should be marginally closer, but the turnout for this measure was more than half of the 2020 general election so I think the political nerd caucus was overwhelmed by people voting on abortion.