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  New Democratic
Established1961-06-17 from Co-operative Commonwealth Federation
Last EditedIndyGeorgia - October 05, 2020 02:18pm
DescriptionThe New Democratic Party (French: Nouveau Parti démocratique) is a social democratic political party in Canada. It contests elections at the federal and provincial levels. In the Canadian House of Commons, it represents the left wing of the Canadian political spectrum while the Liberal and Conservative parties represent the centre and right wings, respectively. The NDP is a member of the Socialist International organization of socialist parties.

The NDP is noted for its populist, agrarian and socialist roots, its close affiliation with organized labour, and, while the party is secular and pluralistic, its longstanding relationship with the Christian left and the Social Gospel movement, particularly the United Church of Canada. The federal leader of the NDP is Jack Layton.

Source: Wikipedia [Link]

Title Purchase Contributor

Start Date End Date Type Title Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
May 01, 2015 12:00pm General Six rookie NDP MPs gear up for an election they hope to win  Article IndyGeorgia 
Feb 21, 2012 04:00pm News Ontario, B.C. drive surge in NDP ranks to record 128,000 members   Article Monsieur 
Sep 29, 2011 01:00pm Poll Meet the new NDP: left-leaning Liberals and hardcore progressives   Article Monsieur 
Sep 21, 2009 03:00pm Editorial The coalition of the not-very-willing  Article Monsieur 
Sep 19, 2009 09:45am Perspective The NDP: A portrait in confusion  Article Monsieur 
Aug 14, 2009 04:00pm General Layton mum on NDP name change  Article Monsieur 



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