(formerly Dominion of Canada) HM King Charles III, King of Canada
Canada is an English- and French-speaking North American country. Originally a British colony, it gained its independence in 1867 instituting a federal parliamentary democratic state with a union of provinces. As a monarchy, its head of state is the reigning monarch is concurrently the monarch of Great Britain. Its head of government is the Prime Minister. Canada contends with separatist movements from within the dominon, most notably with the Province of Quebec. Various native indian groups have several degrees of autonomy.
Canada's capital city is Ottawa. Its currency is the Canadian Dollar and it celebrates Canada Day on July 1. Much of its population is of British (71.5% in 1996) and French origin (9.4% in 1996). It is also almost evenly divided between Catholic and Protestant faiths with smaller segments of various other religions.
National Flag Description:
The maple leaf has been the symbol of Canada since at least the middle of the 19th century. Red and white were approved as the official colours of Canada in 1921.
Good news we've got the correct election date set for every riding in canada I think. The only hard part is waiting for Elections Canada to declare close of nominations because we've had so many switches
Good news we've got the correct election date set for every riding in canada I think. The only hard part is waiting for Elections Canada to declare close of nominations because we've had so many switches
I appreciate y'all updating the dates on the races. That's exactly the sort of thing that feels extremely tedious to me and sets off my procrastination impulse.
I appreciate y'all updating the dates on the races. That's exactly the sort of thing that feels extremely tedious to me and sets off my procrastination impulse.