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Screen NameMonsieur   
LocationToronto, Ontario, Canada
Browser Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_5) AppleWebKit/537.22 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/25.0.1364.172 Safari/537.22
Member OfPublic Website
First LoginMay 01, 2004 10:09pm
Last LoginMarch 29, 2013 11:31am
Previous Screen Names 05/01/2004 - 03/21/2005: Haley "Hottie of the Month" Ba
03/21/2005 - 03/27/2005: Haley "Hottie" Barbour
03/27/2005 - 04/02/2005: Canadian Bacon
04/02/2005 - 04/08/2005: Am I Cursed?
04/08/2005 - 04/16/2005: Activist Liberal Judge
04/16/2005 - 04/16/2005: Evil Socialist Canadian!!!!!
04/16/2005 - 04/24/2005: Evil Communist Canadian!!!!!
04/24/2005 - 04/27/2005: Ilanaaq
04/27/2005 - 05/22/2005: N-Dipper
05/22/2005 - 05/29/2005: Sex Party Leadership Candidate
05/29/2005 - 06/05/2005: Ralph Nadir
06/05/2005 - 06/12/2005: Grewalgate
06/12/2005 - 06/13/2005: _
06/13/2005 - 06/19/2005: Unable to choose a screen name
06/19/2005 - 06/23/2005: Fristy
06/23/2005 - 06/24/2005: It Graduates!
06/24/2005 - 06/28/2005: Valeri!
06/28/2005 - 06/29/2005: Hardcore Left-Wing Activist
06/29/2005 - 07/02/2005: Happy Canada Day!
07/02/2005 - 07/16/2005: Flaming Liebrul
07/16/2005 - 07/17/2005: Freedom is on the march.
07/17/2005 - 07/18/2005: Layton!
07/18/2005 - 07/28/2005: Layton for Canada!
07/28/2005 - 07/28/2005: Just Another Member of the Lib
07/28/2005 - 07/31/2005: Liberal Media Strikes Again!
07/31/2005 - 08/02/2005: God Squad
08/02/2005 - 08/03/2005: McGuinty-ed!
08/03/2005 - 08/03/2005: Sporadic Visitor
08/03/2005 - 08/18/2005: KKKanadian KKKommunist!
08/18/2005 - 08/26/2005: Ryan Dubya
08/26/2005 - 08/30/2005: Off to School!
08/30/2005 - 09/17/2005: New Ontarian
09/17/2005 - 09/26/2005: Asthenosphere
09/26/2005 - 10/01/2005: Monsieur Atome
10/01/2005 - 10/01/2005: Leftist Blog
10/01/2005 - 10/05/2005: "Leftist Blog"
10/05/2005 - 10/13/2005: Je suis une pizza.
10/13/2005 - 10/26/2005: "Shut down the borders! White
10/26/2005 - 10/26/2005: "White people only!"
10/26/2005 - 11/11/2005: Goodnight Moon
11/11/2005 - 11/29/2005: The government, she falls!!!!
11/29/2005 - 12/24/2005: Layton '06!
12/24/2005 - 12/25/2005: Merry Christmas from Canada!
12/25/2005 - 01/10/2006: Dated Layton, Marrying Martin
01/10/2006 - 01/12/2006: To Chavez, With Love
01/12/2006 - 01/17/2006: Canadian Liberal
01/17/2006 - 01/17/2006: Chocolate New Orleans
01/17/2006 - 01/17/2006: Dispirited, Disinterested Cana
01/17/2006 - 01/17/2006: Dispirited, Canadian Liberal
01/17/2006 - 01/24/2006: Dispirited Canadian Liberal
01/24/2006 - 01/28/2006: Congrats to PM Harper!
01/28/2006 - 02/10/2006: Scott Brison Liberal
02/10/2006 - 02/10/2006: My Real Name is Rex Tripod
02/10/2006 - 02/19/2006: Canadian Liberal
02/19/2006 - 02/24/2006: Spring Break! (in NS)
02/24/2006 - 04/22/2006: Canadian Liberal
04/22/2006 - 04/22/2006: Happy Earth Day!
04/22/2006 - 05/04/2006: Canadian Liberal
05/04/2006 - 06/14/2006: How Immoral!
06/14/2006 - 08/13/2006: Paul Hellyer for PM!
08/13/2006 - 12/27/2006: Tous ensemble!
12/27/2006 - 02/08/2007: Bye bye for now
02/08/2007 - 04/20/2007: On another break from OC
04/20/2007 - 05/30/2007: Go Sens Go!
05/30/2007 - 08/27/2007: On another break
08/27/2007 - 02/21/2008:
02/21/2008 - 02/28/2008: R
02/28/2008 - 03/05/2008:
03/05/2008 - 04/16/2008: RW
04/16/2008 - 09/21/2008: RW
09/21/2008 - 11/04/2008: R
11/04/2008 - 11/21/2008: R
11/21/2008 - 01/08/2009: RW
01/08/2009 - 01/25/2009:
01/25/2009 - 04/10/2009: RW
04/10/2009 - 04/11/2009: Go Habs Go!
04/11/2009 - 08/21/2009: Compos mentis
08/21/2009 - 08/24/2009: On Vacation in Maine
08/24/2009 - 08/25/2009: Back from vacation in Maine
08/25/2009 - 08/26/2009:
08/26/2009 - 11/16/2009: John Hodgman
11/16/2009 - 11/17/2009: Dodge Landesman
11/17/2009 - 05/23/2010: Monsieur W
05/23/2010 - 05/26/2010: George Soros
05/26/2010 - 07/24/2010: Monsieur W
Predictions Points: 5947.2241
Predictions: 3916/4396 (89.08%)
Points Per: 5947.2241/4396 (1.35)
Messages Posted 0
Contributed 1,868 Races, 887 Sub-Races, 5,366 Candidates, 902 Containers, 549 Polls, 9 Polling Firms, 2,693 News Items, 52 Parties, 0 Issues, 20 Books, 19 Info Links, 1 FAQs, 667 Personal Endorsements, 50 Media Endorsements, 418 Candidate Endorsements,
Your 2¢ 1468, 364, 29, 1215, 126, 34, 60, 11,
2¢ to You 1145, 78, 14, 314, 45, 16, 2, 28,

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

Northern View 
Canada Votes 2006: Vote by Issue Quiz  Discuss
Canadian Quotes  Discuss
Canadian Ryan's Johari  Discuss
Canadian Ryan's Myspace!  Discuss
Canadian Ryan's Nohari  Discuss
CBC Digital Archives  Discuss
Government of Canada  Discuss
Government of Nova Scotia  Discuss
Government of Ontario  Discuss
McMaster University  Discuss
Young Liberals of Canada  Discuss
Is In
Parliament Trinity—Spadina
Provincial Parliament Trinity—Spadina
Country Canada
State Ontario
City Toronto
CAN Prime Minister - Oct 19, 2015 NDP Thomas Mulcair
UK Prime Minister - May 07, 2015 LAB Ed Miliband
ME Governor - Nov 04, 2014 D Mike Michaud
NJ Governor - Nov 05, 2013 D Barbara Buono
MA US Senate - Special D Primary - Apr 30, 2013 D Edward J. Markey
Liberal Party Leader - Apr 14, 2013 LIB Joyce Murray
US Secretary of State - Jan 29, 2013 D John F. Kerry
US President - Electoral Vote - Dec 17, 2012 D Barack Obama
World's Fair 2017 - Nov 23, 2012 BIE Edmonton Canada
WI - District 01 - Nov 06, 2012 D Rob Zerban
VT US Senate - Nov 06, 2012 I Bernie Sanders
US President - Popular Vote - Nov 06, 2012 D Barack Obama
ME Question 1 (Same-Sex Marriage) - Nov 06, 2012 YES Yes
MN Amendment 1 (Same-Sex Marriage Ban) - Nov 06, 2012 NO No
MA US Senate - D Primary - Sep 06, 2012 D Warren E. Tolman
WI US Senate - D Primary - Aug 14, 2012 D Tammy Baldwin
CA - District 44 - Open Primary - Jun 05, 2012 D Janice K. Hahn
French President - Runoff - May 06, 2012 PS François Hollande
London Mayor - May 03, 2012 I Ken Livingstone
AB Premier - Apr 23, 2012 NDP Brian Mason