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  Maverick MP Parrish won't seek re-election
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Last EditedMonsieur  Oct 13, 2005 09:46am
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News DateThursday, October 13, 2005 03:45:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionMaverick Ontario MP Carolyn Parrish is telling her constituents that she won't be running in the next federal election.

Parrish has sent a letter to her riding residents in Mississauga, west of Toronto, saying she won't be seeking re-election either as a Liberal or as an Independent, according to her spokesperson Joanna Belz.

Parrish was kicked out of the Liberal caucus last December after she made critical remarks about Prime Minister Paul Martin, made anti-American statements, and stomped on a doll bearing the likeness of U.S President George W. Bush on a nationally-televised comedy show.
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