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  Johnson, Lyndon B.
<-  1972-01-01  
NameLyndon B. Johnson
Address199 Park Road 52
Stonewall, Texas , United States
Born August 27, 1908
DiedJanuary 22, 1973 (64 years)
Last ModifedNCdem
Apr 13, 2024 08:09pm
Tags English - Congregationalist - Protestant - Straight -
Info(father-in-law of Charles Spittal Robb)

36th President of the United States (1963?69)
b. near Stonewall, Tex.
church: Disciples of Christ

Early Life

Born into a farm family, he graduated (1930) from Southwest Texas State Teachers College (now Southwest Texas State Univ.), in San Marcos. He taught in a Houston high school before becoming (1932) secretary to a Texas Congressman. In 1934 he married Claudia Alta Taylor (see Lady Bird Johnson), and they had two daughters, Lynda Bird and Luci Baines. A staunch New Dealer, Johnson gained the friendship of the influential Sam Rayburn, at whose behest President Franklin D. Roosevelt made him (1935) director in Texas of the National Youth Administration.

In the House and the Senate

In 1937, Johnson won election to a vacant congressional seat, and he was consistently reelected through 1946. Despite Roosevelt's support, however, he was defeated in a special election to the Senate in 1941. He served (1941?42) in the navy.

In 1948, Johnson was elected U.S. Senator from Texas after winning the Democratic primary by a mere 87 votes. A strong advocate of military preparedness, he persuaded the Armed Services Committee to set up (1950) the Preparedness Investigating Subcommittee, of which he became chairman. Rising rapidly in the Senate hierarchy, Johnson became (1951) Democratic whip and then (1953) floor leader. As majority leader after the 1954 elections he wielded great power, exhibiting unusual skill in marshaling support for President Eisenhower's programs. He suffered a serious heart attack in 1955 but recovered to continue his senatorial command.


Johnson lost the 1960 Democratic presidential nomination to John F. Kennedy, but accepted Kennedy's offer of the vice-presidential position. Elected with Kennedy, he energetically supported the President's programs, serving as an American emissary to nations throughout the world and as chairman of the National Aeronautics and Space Council and of the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunities. After Kennedy's assassination on Nov. 22, 1963, Johnson was sworn in as president and announced that he would strive to carry through Kennedy's programs.

Congress responded to Johnson's skillful prodding by enacting an $11 billion tax cut (Jan., 1964) and a sweeping Civil Rights Act (July, 1964). In May, 1964, Johnson called for a nationwide war against poverty and outlined a vast program of economic and social welfare legislation designed to create what he termed the Great Society. Elected (Nov., 1964) for a full term in a landslide over Senator Barry Goldwater, he pushed hard for his domestic program. The 89th Congress (1965?66) produced more major legislative action than any since the New Deal. A bill providing free medical care (Medicare) to the aged under Social Security was enacted, as was Medicaid; federal aid to education at all levels was greatly expanded; the Voting Rights Act of 1965 provided new safeguards for African-American voters; more money went to antipoverty programs; and the departments of Transportation and of Housing and Urban Development were added to the Cabinet.

Johnson's domestic achievements were soon obscured by foreign affairs, however. The Aug., 1964, incident leading Congress to pass the Tonkin Gulf resolution gave Johnson the authority to take any action necessary to protect American troops in Vietnam. Convinced that South Vietnam was about to fall to Communist forces, Johnson began (Feb., 1965) the bombing of North Vietnam. Within three years he increased American forces in South Vietnam from 20,000 to over 500,000 (see Vietnam War). Johnson's actions eventually aroused widespread opposition in Congress and among the public, and a vigorous antiwar movement developed.

As the cost of the war shot up, Congress scuttled many of Johnson's domestic programs. Riots in the African-American ghettos of large U.S. cities (1967) also dimmed the president's luster. By 1968 he was under sharp attack from all sides. After Senators Eugene McCarthy and Robert Kennedy began campaigns for the Democratic presidential nomination, Johnson announced (Mar., 1968) that he would not run for reelection. At the same time he called a partial halt to the bombing of North Vietnam; two months later peace talks began in Paris. When Johnson retired from office (Jan., 1969), he left the nation bitterly divided by the war. He retired to Texas, where he died.

DateFirmApproveDisapproveDon't Know
06/13/2007-06/24/2007 Rasmussen Reports 45.00% ( 0.0) 42.00% ( 0.0) 14.00% ( 0.0)
DateFirmFavorableUnfavorableDon't Know
09/08/2011-09/11/2011 Public Policy Polling 36.00% ( 0.0) 39.00% ( 0.0) 25.00% ( 0.0)

Title Purchase Contributor
Master of the Senate: The Years of Lyndon Johnson  Purchase RP 
Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream  Purchase Jake 

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Date Category Headline Article Contributor
May 14, 2013 04:05pm Obituary Sheriff: Billie Sol Estes found dead in his deCordova home  Article Thomas Walker 
Dec 04, 2008 12:00pm Announcement LBJ Library releases last set of secret recordings  Article DFWDem 
Aug 22, 2008 03:00pm General Texas White House opens at LBJ ranch next week   Article DFWDem 
May 01, 2007 04:00pm Interview Lyndon Johnson's mistress claims LBJ told her that he had JFK killed!  Article The Sunset Provision 
Sep 18, 1998 11:00pm News LBJ And Jackie Kennedy  Article The Sunset Provision 

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D:11714ZT08 ( -7.6004 points)
Tue, August 27, 2024 03:49:15 PM UTC0:00
Happy 116th President Johnson.

Importance? 10.00000 Average

Wife Claudia "Lady Bird" Johnson Nov 17, 1934-Jan 22, 1973
Daughter Lynda Johnson Robb 1944-
Daughter Luci Baines Johnson Turpin 1947-

Let Us Continue - Lyndon B. Johnson  Discuss
Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech 1964  Discuss
Lyndon Johnson - Address After Ordering Federal Troops to Detroit, Michigan (July 24, 1967)  Discuss
Lyndon Johnson - Remarks at Gettysburg on Civil Rights (May 30, 1963)  Discuss
Lyndon Johnson - Remarks at the Howard University Commencement (June 4, 1965)  Discuss
Lyndon Johnson - Remarks at the Ninety Sixth Charter Day Observances (February 21, 1964)  Discuss
Lyndon Johnson - Remarks on Signing the Civil Rights Act (April 11, 1968)  Discuss
Lyndon Johnson - Remarks on Signing the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (July 1, 1968)  Discuss
Lyndon Johnson - Remarks on the Cessation of Bombing of North Vietnam (October 30, 1968)  Discuss
Lyndon Johnson - Remarks on the Signing of the Voting Rights Act (August 6, 1965)  Discuss
Lyndon Johnson - Remarks upon Signing the Civil Rights Bill (July 2, 1964)  Discuss
Lyndon Johnson - Report on the Gulf of Tonkin Incident (August 4, 1964)  Discuss
Lyndon Johnson - Report on the Situation in the Dominican Republic (May 2, 1965)  Discuss
Lyndon Johnson - Speech at the Jung Hotel, New Orleans (October 9, 1964)  Discuss
Lyndon Johnson - Speech on U.S. Foreign Policy in Asia (July 12, 1966)  Discuss
Lyndon Johnson - Speech on Vietnam (September 29, 1967)  Discuss
Lyndon Johnson - Speech to the Nation on Civil Disorders (July 27, 1967)  Discuss
Lyndon Johnson - State of the Union (January 12, 1966)  Discuss
Lyndon Johnson - State of the Union (January 4, 1965)  Discuss
Lyndon Johnson - State of the Union (January 8, 1964)  Discuss
Lyndon Johnson - State of the Union Address (Jan 10, 1967)  Discuss
Lyndon Johnson - State of the Union Address (Jan 14, 1969)  Discuss
Lyndon Johnson - State of the Union Address (Jan 17, 1968)  Discuss
Lyndon Johnson - Statement on Sending Troops to the Dominican Republic (April 28, 1965)  Discuss
On Vietnam and Not Seeking Reelection - Lyndon B. Johnson  Discuss
President Lyndon Johnson Inaugural Address January 20, 1965  Discuss
Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipient President Lyndon Baines Johnson  Discuss
The Great Society - Lyndon B. Johnson  Discuss
We Shall Overcome - Lyndon B. Johnson  Discuss
  04/21/1980 Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipient Won 7.14% (+0.00%)
  06/11/1968 US President - R Primaries Lost 0.11% (-37.82%)
  06/11/1968 US President - D Primaries Lost 5.10% (-33.63%)
  03/12/1968 NH US Vice President - D Primary Lost 2.84% (-53.41%)
  12/14/1964 US President Won 90.33% (+80.67%)
  11/03/1964 US President National Vote Won 61.05% (+22.58%)
  10/10/1964 Nobel Peace Prize Lost 0.00% (-100.00%)
  08/27/1964 US President - D Convention Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  07/01/1964 US President - D Primaries Lost 17.81% (-9.44%)
  07/01/1964 US President - R Primaries Lost 0.40% (-37.89%)
  11/22/1963 US President - Deceased Successor Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/08/1960 US Vice President Won 56.42% (+15.64%)
  11/08/1960 TX US Senate Won 57.97% (+16.86%)
  07/15/1960 US Vice President - D Convention Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  07/15/1960 US President - D Convention Lost 26.84% (-26.05%)
  07/01/1960 US President - D Primaries Lost 0.27% (-31.14%)
  01/03/1959 Majority Leader Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  01/03/1957 Majority Leader Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  08/17/1956 US Vice President - D Convention Lost 0.05% (-38.62%)
  08/17/1956 US President - D Convention Lost 5.82% (-60.07%)
  07/01/1956 US President - D Primaries Lost 0.00% (-50.70%)
  01/03/1955 Majority Leader Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/02/1954 TX US Senate Won 84.59% (+69.66%)
  07/24/1954 TX US Senate - D Primary Won 71.38% (+42.76%)
  01/02/1953 Minority Leader Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/02/1948 TX US Senate Won 66.22% (+33.28%)
  08/28/1948 TX US Senate - D Runoff Won 50.00% (+0.01%)
  07/24/1948 TX US Senate - D Primary Won 33.73% (+0.00%)
  11/05/1946 TX District 10 Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  07/27/1946 TX District 10 - D Primary Won 67.97% (+39.85%)
  11/07/1944 TX District 10 Won 92.87% (+85.74%)
  07/22/1944 TX District 10 - D Primary Won 69.90% (+39.79%)
  11/03/1942 TX District 10 Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  06/28/1941 TX US Senate - Special Election Lost 30.26% (-0.23%)
  11/05/1940 TX District 10 Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/08/1938 TX District 10 Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  04/10/1937 TX District 10 - Special Election Won 27.65% (+10.58%)
US President - D Primaries - Jun 06, 1972 D J. Terry Sanford
TX US Senate - D Primary - Jul 26, 1958 D William A. Blakley
AR US Senate - D Primary - Jul 27, 1954 D John L. McClellan