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  Shady Morsi
Screen NameShady Morsi   
Location, , Netherlands
AffiliationIndependent Labour
First LoginFebruary 16, 2018 03:00pm
Last LoginMay 20, 2023 01:58pm
Access Levels6
Previous Screen Names 02/16/2018 - 07/03/2018: Shady H.E Morsi
Predictions Points: -141.0427
Predictions: 29/40 (72.50%)
Points Per: -141.0427/40 (-3.53)
Messages Posted 125
Contributed 31 Races, 170 Candidates, 74 Containers, 0 Polls, 0 Polling Firms, 1 News Items, 9 Parties, 0 Issues, 2 Books, 1 Info Links, 0 FAQs, 88 Personal Endorsements, 0 Media Endorsements, 14 Candidate Endorsements,

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Pope - Mar 01, 2035 PAP Peter Turkson
DEU Bundestag - Popular Vote - Sep 26, 2021 AfD Alternative for Germany
Iceland Althingi - Popular Vote - Sep 25, 2021 P Pirate Party
MI District 03 - Nov 03, 2020 R Justin Amash
MA US Senate - D Primary - Sep 01, 2020 D Edward J. Markey
UT Governor - R Convention - Apr 25, 2020 R Josh Romney
US President - R Primaries - Aug 11, 2020 R Mike Pence
US President - R Primaries - Aug 11, 2020 R John Kasich
US President - D Primaries - Aug 11, 2020 For Andrew Yang
US President - G Primaries - Apr 01, 2020 G Sedinam Kinamo Moyowasifza-Curry
US President - LBT Primary - Apr 01, 2020 LBT Arvin Vohra
LA Governor - Runoff - Nov 16, 2019 D John Bel Edwards
VA State House 096 - Nov 05, 2019 I Charlotte R. R. Jobe
VA State Senate 20 - Nov 05, 2019 D Sherman D. Witcher
LA Governor - Initial Election - Oct 12, 2019 D Oscar "Omar" Dantzler
OC President - Oct 05, 2019 S Zeus the Moose
DEN Folketinget - Popular Vote - Jun 05, 2019 Ø Red-Green Alliance
ISR Prime Minister - Apr 09, 2019 H Ayman Odeh
LA State House 062 - Special Runoff - Mar 30, 2019 D Roy Daryl Adams
Nutjob of the Year - Jan 10, 2019 R Sarah Huckabee Sanders
OC’s Favorite Governor - Jan 04, 2019 R Henry McMaster
NV District 03 - Nov 06, 2018 I Tony Gumina
CA US Senate - Nov 06, 2018 D Kevin de León
WA State House District 5 Seat 1 - Nov 06, 2018 R Chad Magendanz
SD Governor - Nov 06, 2018 D Billie H. Sutton
FL Governor - Nov 06, 2018 D Patrick Murphy
IL District 03 - Nov 06, 2018 R Kenneth Yerkes
NY District 17 - Nov 06, 2018 REF Joseph J. Ciardullo
NH State House - Cheshire 16 - Nov 06, 2018 LBT Darryl W. Perry
NJ District 01 - Nov 06, 2018 D Mohammad Kabir
Supreme Court - Associate Justice - Oct 06, 2018 R Amy Coney Barrett
RI Governor - D Primary - Sep 12, 2018 LBT Lincoln Chafee
NH District 01 - R Primary - Sep 11, 2018 R Anthony R. "Andy" Martin
MA District 08 - D Primary - Sep 04, 2018 D Christopher L. Voehl
WI District 01 - R Primary - Aug 14, 2018 R Paul Nehlen
MN Governor - DFL Primary - Aug 14, 2018 DFL Oloveuse S. "Ole" Savior
KS Governor - D Primary - Aug 07, 2018 D Arden Andersen
MI Governor - D Primary - Aug 07, 2018 D Gretchen Whitmer
MI Governor - LBT Primary - Aug 07, 2018 LBT John T. Tatar
MI State House 005 - D Primary - Aug 07, 2018 D Jermaine R. Tobey
UT US Senate - R Primary - Jun 26, 2018 R Mitt Romney
CA US Senate - Open Primary - Jun 05, 2018 AllP Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente
AR District 02 - D Primary - May 22, 2018 D Paul John Spencer
WV District 03 - D Primary - May 08, 2018 D Edwin Ray Vanover
UT US Senate - R Convention - Apr 21, 2018 R Mitt Romney
French President - Runoff - May 07, 2017 RN Marine Le Pen
French President - Apr 23, 2017 LR François Fillon
CA District 34 - Special Election - Apr 04, 2017 D Alejandra Campoverdi
NLD House of Representatives - Popular Vote - Mar 15, 2017 StemN VoteNL
US House Speaker - Jan 03, 2017 D John R. Lewis
US President - Popular Vote - Nov 08, 2016 R Donald J. Trump
SC District 01 - Special Election - May 07, 2013 D Elizabeth Colbert Busch
US President - Electoral Vote - Dec 17, 2012 R Mitt Romney
US President - Popular Vote - Nov 06, 2012 R Ron Paul
NY State Senate 17 - D Primary - Sep 13, 2012 D Abraham Tischler
DPRK De facto Leader - Dec 17, 2011 WPK Kim Jong-un
Netherlands Senate - May 23, 2011 OSF Independent Senate Group
SC US Senate - D Primary - Jun 08, 2010 D Vic Rawl
Kärnten Landtagswahl - Mar 01, 2009 GPÖ Gaddafi Party of Austria
Hot Mama of the Year - Jan 02, 2008 PvdD Marianne Thieme
NLD Senate - May 29, 2007 OSF Independent Senate Group
US President National Vote - Nov 08, 1988 D Eugene J. "Gene" McCarthy
US President - D Convention - Jul 19, 1984 D George S. McGovern
MN US Senate - D Primary - Sep 14, 1982 D Eugene J. "Gene" McCarthy
MA Governor - D Primary - Sep 14, 1982 R Edward J. King
UK Parliament - Fermanagh & South Tyrone - By-election - Apr 09, 1981 Anti Bobby Sands
MA Governor - Nov 07, 1978 R Edward J. King
MA Governor - D Primary - Sep 19, 1978 R Edward J. King
US President - Dec 18, 1972 D George S. McGovern
US Vice President - D Convention - Jul 13, 1972 D Mike Gravel
SD US Senate - Nov 05, 1968 D George S. McGovern
US President - D Primaries - Jun 11, 1968 D Eugene J. "Gene" McCarthy
VA Governor - Nov 02, 1965 VaC William J. Story Jr.
US President - Dec 14, 1964 R Barry M. Goldwater
SD US Senate - Nov 06, 1962 D George S. McGovern
SD US Senate - Nov 08, 1960 D George S. McGovern
SD District 01 - Nov 04, 1958 D George S. McGovern
CA District 12 - Nov 05, 1946 D Horace Jeremiah "Jerry" Voorhis
US President - Dec 16, 1940 R Wendell L. Willkie
US President - D Convention - Jul 18, 1940 D John Nance "Cactus Jack" Garner
LA Governor - Apr 17, 1928 D Huey P. Long
MI US Senate - Nov 05, 1918 D Henry Ford
Swiss Confederation President - Jan 01, 1910 FDP Robert Comtesse
Hamilton-Burr Duel - Jul 12, 1804 F Alexander Hamilton
AL House 028 P2 - Nov 08, 0066 D B. V. Hain



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